Qld caterers offer poo-free guarantee ...
... but what guarantees will they offer once recycled water flows into Wivenhoe?
See - Qld caterers offer poo-free guarantee.
The 4350water Blog highlights some of the issues relating to proposals for potable reuse in Toowoomba and South East Qld. 4350water blog looks at related political issues as well.
... but what guarantees will they offer once recycled water flows into Wivenhoe?
WA government says their system will be better than Qld.
Excerpt from ABC News:
And pigs will fly.
Excerpt from the Chronicle:
AUCTION - 29 November 2008 - 1.30PM
For audio - see - Annie Guest reports debate has flared up over south-east Qld recycled drinking water.
See - 4BC radio - Prof. Collignon discussion.
That seems to be the case.
Excerpt from the Australian:
Excerpt from the Australian:
Excerpt from ABC News:
Excerpt from the Australian:
When the Toowoomba City Council advocated putting recycled water into the city's drinking water supply, they reluctantly agreed to a 3-5 year testing period before introducing it for potable reuse.
Recent feedback on local radio in Brisbane shows how deeply unpopular Anna Bligh's decision will be.
And the outcry in the southern press is increasing.
The failure to include testing for a similar period to that proposed for the ill-fated Toowoomba scheme may be regarded by voters as reckless.
There is nothing to prevent Anna Bligh conceding that a lengthy testing period should be implemented.
And if Anna's recycled water is so wonderful, why would she be afraid of extensive testing?
The bulk of the recycled water will be pumped to the power stations.
Combined Brisbane dam levels are around 40% so Peter Beattie's Armageddon scenario is yet to materialise.
The Hinze Dam is almost full and the Gold Coast's desalination plant will soon come online.
There is clearly no great rush to pump recycled water into Wivenhoe Dam.
The only urgency seems to be coming from the Bligh government and the recycled water companies who want to get recycled water into the drinking water supply asap so they can declare it a fait accompli.
It's the Singapore model with just about the same level of democracy. But in Singapore it's only 1%.
The Bligh government risks an outbreak of anti-Labor sentiment at a time when Anna Bligh's popularity stakes are waning and the Labor Party is looking increasingly battered in most States and fairly incompetent in Canberra.
Sure she has a parliamentary majority which will probably survive a voter backlash and a swing to the LNP at the next election.
But can she be so sure?
Anna's PR spin team will no doubt be polling extensively on the issue over the next few months ...
Excerpt from the Australian:
Excerpt from the Chronicle:
Excerpt from ABC News:
Excerpt from Sydney Morning Herald:
Excerpt from the Chronicle:
Excerpt from Courier Mail:
Excerpt from the Chronicle (annotated):
[Read - I don't have a job.]
“I decided that in tough times, there needed to be tough leadership and local government must be part of the solution in both of these areas.”[Laughing really loudly.]
“I have proven myself to be a woman of action and many times I was a voice that couldn't be silenced on important issues,” she said.
Ms Englart joins former Toowoomba City councillors Graham Barron and Michele Alroe and former Jondaryan Shire Council chief executive officer Noel Cass in the running for the position on the Toowoomba Regional Council.
Nominations close on November 7.
I have proven myself to be a woman of action and many times I was a voice that couldn't be silenced on important issues.
[Still laughing.]
See - Englart wants back into the trough.
Excerpt from ABC News:
Being an out of work Councillor is tough on the family budget.
Excerpt from 4BC.com.au:
See - Sydney Morning Herald - Groundwater use unacceptable, says report.
Excerpt from WIN News:
... so say Kevin 'buy my rainwater system' Flanagan and Mayor Peter 'I don't have a purple pipe' Taylor.
Snow in October has been reported less than five times in the past 50 years, weather service Weatherzone said.
Excerpt from Politico:
Excerpt from Sydney Morning Herald:
See - LA Times - Bottled water versus tap: Which is safer to drink?
Excerpt from the Australian:
See - Sunday Mail - Taste of desalinated water for southeast Queenslanders.
Excerpt from ABC News (annotated):
Excerpt from the Chronicle:
Excerpt from Windesal.com.au:
MANNERS, FP. "Snow" - 9,643 votes - 11.21%
WILLIAMS, Mike - 44,813 votes - 5.48%
Excerpt from the Chronicle:
See - News.com.au - Kyoto 'a waste of time' say half of Australians.
Excerpt from ABC News:
Excerpt from Toowoomba Regional Council website:
See - Courier Mail - David Epstein quits as Kevin Rudd's chief of staff.
Coming to a TV near you.
While years of drought mean many Australians wouldn't consider leaving the tap running while they brush their teeth, the coffee shop chain Starbucks leaves a tap running all day in each of its 23 Australian stores.
Excerpt from the Chronicle:
See - ABC News - Gold Coast Mayor - They keep on producing these sums and they are absolute nonsense.
Excerpt from ABC News:
See - Courier Mail - Australians 'bored' by climate change.
See - Courier Mail - Bligh Government to consider extending councillor terms.
See - Courier Mail - Darling Downs farmers vow to resist coal miners.
Parliamentary secretary to the Attorney-General, Kerry Shine, defects to the Greens.
An indication of just how bad things are in the US housing market.
At 6 mins 24 secs onwards, spray painting lawns green - Alan Bond would be so proud.
Draining an average of 3-5 pools per week.
Trashing out an average of 15 foreclosed homes per day ...
See - GoldCoast.com.au - Ignore water bans, urges mayor.
Excerpt from Courier Mail: