The 4350water Blog highlights some of the issues relating to proposals for potable reuse in Toowoomba and South East Qld. 4350water blog looks at related political issues as well.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Toowoomba Regional Council by-election - former mayoral candidate Ian Jones signs up ...

Excerpt from ABC News:

By-election candidate says community wants action

28 October 2008

A candidate for the Toowoomba Regional Council by-election says residents are becoming dissatisfied with the current administration.

Former Clifton mayor Ian Jones has announced he is standing for the council vacancy, after unsuccessfully running for mayor in March.

He says residents want to see clear direction on promises made during the previous election campaign, particularly in relation to water, CBD development, strategic planning and a new airport.

It is now seven months after the council was formed, and Mr Jones says people expect action.

"The level of experience that people claimed to have, they expected that it wouldn't have been such a big problem," he said.

"The people who stood claimed years and years and years of local government experience, so the transition shouldn't have been so difficult."

See - Ian Jones signs on for by-election.

They're all coming out of the woodwork now ...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

If Jones get in then we can be sure that all of Anna Bligh's plans will be rushed through with the help of his vote.
He has no regard for the wishes of this community and will push for the Wivenhoe pipeline to be rushed through and with processed sewage in it.

We still have no-one to vote for!

2:35 PM, October 28, 2008

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sadly you are correct - Wivanhoe pipeline is to start in early January - all the other little extras before it's start is being done now

9:56 PM, October 28, 2008

Anonymous Anonymous said...

So much for all of Jone's promises becasue after a few months he will be as busy as the rest of them. By that I mean go to the monthly meeting and then sit around home wondering what to do because Phil Spencer and the boys have it all under control. I suppose he will have to toe the line just as the rest do now.

They have no power and he will find that out-if elected.

Not bad pay for the monthly meeting and the odd outing that one must go to.

10:06 PM, October 28, 2008


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