The 4350water Blog highlights some of the issues relating to proposals for potable reuse in Toowoomba and South East Qld. 4350water blog looks at related political issues as well.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Holy **** - even Sue Englart wants to get back on the Toowoomba Regional Council ...

Excerpt from the Chronicle (annotated):

Englart keen to use skills for benefit of the region

24 October 2008

Former Toowoomba City Councillor Sue Englart just couldn't resist the chance of another shot at local government.

Ms Englart yesterday nominated for the Toowoomba Regional Council position left vacant after the sudden death of Councillor Ian Orford. A by-election will be held on December 6.

“Times are tough both economically and environmentally,” Ms Englart said yesterday.

[Read - I don't have a job.]

“I decided that in tough times, there needed to be tough leadership and local government must be part of the solution in both of these areas.”

Ms Englart said in her 11 years as a Toowoomba City councillor, she had shown she was a strong leader and was decisive and fair.

[Laughing really loudly.]

“I have proven myself to be a woman of action and many times I was a voice that couldn't be silenced on important issues,” she said.

Ms Englart joins former Toowoomba City councillors Graham Barron and Michele Alroe and former Jondaryan Shire Council chief executive officer Noel Cass in the running for the position on the Toowoomba Regional Council.

Nominations close on November 7.

I have proven myself to be a woman of action and many times I was a voice that couldn't be silenced on important issues.

[Still laughing.]

See - Englart wants back into the trough.

When Englart was tossed off Council in March, she was so swamped with job offers she could spend her days walking around Prince Henry Drive trying to improve her PB.

Here's what was said in May:

Most of the ousted Toowoomba city councillors have re-established their lives, but Sue Englart says she's still waiting for her "direction".

"I now know how John Howard felt - although he got a huge pension. There was no payout for us," she said.

Ms Englart says: I'm embarrassed and I don't want people to feel sorry for me, but I want a job."

Since being ousted from the March 15 election that put former country shire mayors and deputies in 9 out of the 10 seats around the extended councillors' table, the feisty red-head has been left with her five-hour a week job at the Elders sale yards.

She has reluctantly joined the unemployment lines at Centrelink.

"That's humbling, but by the same token it makes you understand how a lot of people live," she said.

After being among the hardest-working councillors, Ms Englart struggles to explain how she feels.

"I'm not happy about it. I'm very ... it's a diminishing feeling."

"The really sad part in a way is - and it's not really sad - but I'm exactly the same person I was eight weeks ago when I was a councillor."


Another example of someone who did absolutely nothing for the city and can't wean herself off the Council salary, car and gourmet sandwiches.

Could voters really be that stupid ...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sue is desperate to get off the dole.

Sorry Sue but we don't want you. Hasn't your old mate Di offered you a job pulling beers?

Some people just don't get it, and Sue is one of them.

She misses the lovely sandwiches, car and most of all the big fat salary. Sorry but you just aren't worth it.

Go call lifeline and talk to somebody who cares!!

We the ratepayers do not want you. We have enough idiots on council already who aren't doing anything.

By the way can somebody please tell us what this gutless council has achieved since coming into power?

8:14 AM, October 25, 2008

Anonymous Anonymous said...

No! we don't want one of "the six pack of the Singapore Sewer Sippers" as we already know her mind set.

We need a man who will stand up for what this city has already voted for.
One who will go fight for a water supply other than Anna's processed sewage from Wivenhoe Dam!

8:26 AM, October 25, 2008

Anonymous Anonymous said...

If the voters put someone like Engalrt or Alroe back onto council, then they deserve what they get. Pump the recycled water into the city as fast as you can. How many opportunities to take a stand will the voters ignore?

11:29 AM, October 25, 2008

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't believe that Sue doesn't think we can see through her charade and see that she just wants to get back on the council money drip

1:11 PM, October 25, 2008

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sue and Michelle will hopefully split the vote to let Cass or Barron in

1:27 PM, October 25, 2008

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who else will nominate?

1:59 PM, October 25, 2008

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why would we want either Cass or Barron on council?

2:04 PM, October 25, 2008

Anonymous Anonymous said...

There is still good people out here to put there name up and one with experience!

8:48 AM, October 26, 2008

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Barron was at least not a sewer drinker - I think Cass is more his own man - we can only hope - who really knows?

8:51 AM, October 26, 2008

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Barron must be tired of driving the courtesy bus. Another one keen to get back on the council money train. What did he really do while on council? He mainly just sat back and took the salary.

10:34 AM, October 26, 2008

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can think of a couple of good Toowoomba people who could be putting up thier names.

There is no rush as if one nominates late it's less time for the media to run a negative campaign.
Just watch this space.

We need Toowoomba people (with courage and ability) to run and stand up for us in this ****** Council.

1:16 PM, October 26, 2008

Anonymous Anonymous said...

There is only one person who worked with sedulous attention to detail in a previous council and he would be the one to stand up for 62% of the community.

1:20 PM, October 26, 2008

Anonymous Anonymous said...

But will he run???

2:54 PM, October 26, 2008


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