SEQ - Disease expert warns on recycled sewage ...
Excerpt from the Australian:
Disease expert warns on recycled sewage
30 October 2008
One of Australia's leading infectious disease experts has claimed technology does not exist to prevent recycled sewage from contaminating the water supply of 2.6 million residents in southeast Queensland.
In February, they will become the first Australians to drink their own waste when 60 megalitres a day of recycled water will be pumped into Brisbane's main water source, Wivenhoe Dam.
Under state government plans, recycled water will account for between 10 and 25 per cent of the region's drinking water supply.
Australian National University microbiologist Peter Collignon said yesterday he had major concerns about hundreds of viruses that could be present in the water.
"I don't believe the technology is there to ensure there are no problems," he said.
When Queensland Premier Anna Bligh was asked if she could guarantee the safety of recycled water, she said: "The scientific advice to me is that this can be guaranteed to be as safe as anything else that comes out of our taps at the moment."
Professor Collignon rejected claims by the Queensland Government that the project was comparable with recycled water schemes overseas.
Singapore, one of the examples often cited by Queensland, had a "very different" system, he said. Waste water was pumped through a pipeline separate from Singapore's reticulated system - unlike in southeast Queensland - and accounted for less than 1 per cent of the city state's dam capacity.
Professor Collignon said the Namibian capital of Windhoek, located in a desert, had the only comparable system.
"Brisbane has many times the rainfall of Windhoek," he said. "There's no need for Brisbane to be putting sewage into drinking water. There is nowhere else in the world where a large population is being forced to accept a situation where 10 or 25per cent of their drinking water is recycled sewage."
Professor Collignon said viruses that could contaminate the water supply ranged from bugs that caused gastroenteritis to potentially fatal infections leading to encephalitis and heart disease.
Test results for hazardous bacteria such as E.coli would not be available to authorities for at least a day, he said. "By the time the results come back, the water is already in the reservoir."
The Australian reported yesterday a claim by Australian National University emeritus professor Patrick Troy that it would not be possible to remove all biologically active waste molecules from the system.
Professor Troy was attacked yesterday by Ms Bligh, who dismissed his claim as "ill-informed comments by somebody who has no expertise in the field of water treatment".
Ms Bligh said the seven-stage water filtering scheme would ensure water was not contaminated. "The water processes that have been put in place to underpin our recycling project are the best in the world," the Premier said.
"They are consistent with projects of a similar nature overseas that have been operating for 40 years, and which have been scientifically tested and proven to be safe."
University of Queensland vice-chancellor Paul Greenfield, who heads an expert government advisory panel on recycled water, said that it was not possible to guarantee the safety of recycled water.
"We can only talk about improbabilities," Professor Greenfield said.
He believed the screening process was sufficient to prevent contamination. "We will have additional processes and monitoring which will ensure the risks are no higher than what people face now," he said. "The water after the fifth barrier in the seven-stage process will satisfy drinking water guidelines, and then there are another two stages after that."
See - Disease expert warns on recycled sewage.
But no guarantees ...
But there is no guarentee of 100% safety of the current water supplies...and never has been.
7:25 AM, October 30, 2008
The potential cost is not worth the risk!
10:01 AM, October 30, 2008
But the current water supplies do not source the water from Sewage plant.
Experts now say it's not safe.
Our "expert" on water is a road engineer!
10:04 AM, October 30, 2008
True but the current supplies don't source water from all forms of household, industrial and hospital waste. Barrier 1 of Anna's project is a farce. It involves no industrial or hospital waste via a voluntary practice of industry and hospitals not putting waste through the sewers. This will not be effective. The government cannot monitor the activities of all factories and hospitals 24/7 to ensure this will happen. And what about disposal of chemicals in homes, funeral homes etc. The government has no clue what will go down the drain. Look at California - one of their recycled water projects failed when farm sprinklers using recycled water got clogged by the little stickers that are put on fruit. But nothing is supposed to get through the membranes. Oops!
10:08 AM, October 30, 2008
It's such a joke that Anna criticises the qualifications of one expert when Toowoomba's so called water expert at the council is nothing of the sort. But we've had to listen to his rantings for years.
10:11 AM, October 30, 2008
For the information of Queensland MPs, Councillors, Media and Public
Australian National University Emeritus Professor, Patrick Troy, an authority on water infrastructure, on the 29th October was widely reported (The Australian newspaper, Channel 7, 9, 10 Television news and on radio) with advice that it was not possible to prevent potentially harmful organisations from entering southeast Queensland's water supply when recycled sewage is added to it in February.
The Courier Mail, however, appears to have not reported on this issue.
Professor Paul Greenfield, chair of the Queensland Water Commission Committee which advised the Queensland Government to proceed with the recycled water project, has rejected suggestions that the practice is unsafe. Professor Greenfield has stated that Peroxide and UV light will destroy all organic material (presumably that escapes through membranes) but no mention of inorganic compounds was reported.
The Queensland Water Commission has in the past stated - there are 7 safety barriers and the first barrier is that no Hospital and Industrial waste goes into the sewerage system - this has been changed to "residential / industrial source control including hospital waste".
However, the very first barrier one is a barrier in name only, there is no actual control over hospital and industrial waste entering the sewerage system because hospitals and industrial areas do not have separate reticulation systems. Business owners in Industrial areas can purchase Trade Waste certificates to dispose of industrial wastes to sewers. There is no control over what happens in residential premises, there is no government monitoring of domestic sinks and toilets and there is no mechanical barrier to prevent any chemical substance (e.g. expired drugs) from entering sewerage.
On 4BC Radio (Thursday 23rd Oct am) Premier Anna Bligh said that hospital waste was required by law to be treated to "a certain level".
Investigative jounalists and others are urged to contact their local hospitals to find out what this " treatment "entails. They will find that the "treatment" is that part of the waste stream (almost certainly not toilet waste) goes through a greasetrap.
The rate of cancer is very high and increasing and many patients in hospitals are receiving cytotoxic drugs which will be excreted from the body in urine, faeces and vomit, which then enters the sewerage system via hospital toilets. It would be extremely unlikely that a greasetrap would be be able to remove cytotoxic drugs, and other chemicals such as antibiotics from the waste stream.
The presence of large amounts of excreted antibiotics in infectious Hospital waste streams gives great concern for the evolution of Super-bugs and Professor Troy's advice should be noted
Many cancer sufferers receive Chemotherapy as Oncology Outpatients in chairs (virtual beds) and after treatment, return home, with the result that cytotoxics enter sewerage via domestic toilets.
Queensland Health does not currently know what actually goes into the sewerage system from Hospitals, but recent information from a public Hospital source is that the Qld govt is paying for a privately contracted survey to try and find out.
On the 22nd Oct a spokesman from the Deputy Premiers Office phoned Radio 4BC and claimed the Labor government went to the last election and was voted in with recycled water clearly on the agenda. He said people had voted for it. This has been pointed out by the radio host as being incorrect.
"We are being conned. The Labor Party did not go to the election with recycled drinking water on the agenda. Peter Beattie was emphatic before the last election. On Friday 2 June 2006 the Labor government released a statement which said "Premier Peter Beattie and the Minister for Water, Henry Palaszczuk said today that it was not government policy to place recycled water into dams across Queensland."
Premier Bligh stated Oct 29th 2008 "there will be no going back".
Indeed, there can be no going back, the pipes are in the ground, the Queensland Tax payer has been committed to having to pay for the Water Grid (9 Billion dollars plus interest) for many years into the future. There is a solution however, to minimise risk to the population of SE Qld.
Recycled water is now being used to guarantee supply for Swanbank and Tarong power stations. A short spur pipeline line of only 6 kms is needed to place water in Atkinson Dam and this water can be used to guarantee water supplies for one of Queensland most important agricultural areas.
In Singapore recycled water is added into a small reservoir that is separate to the domestic supply. Only 1% of the Singapore domestic supply is comprised of recycled water. With only 1% added, it is obvious that recycled water is not needed to replenish the Singapore water supply, it does however assist the marketing of hugely expensive Reverse Osmosis systems and the promotion of the concept of placing recycled water into domestic water supplies.
The deliberate extensive addition of recycled water to domestic supplies as planned by the current Premier, is a world first. If there are accidents, mishaps or cover-ups, it could become a world worst. There are no safety studies that the Government can put forward, because there are no comparable situations.
The Liberal National Party (LNP) has maintained that adding recycled sewage to our drinking water supplies is an Armageddon solution, this was first admitted by Peter Beattie. The words sewage and sewerage have almost been removed from the Queensland Media's vocabulary, substituted by the euphemous phrase "purified recycled water" by promoters and sections of the media that will not report any negative stories. This is helping keep the public in the dark about where their water will be coming from.
The LNP as an alternative future government, is urged to help make the public aware that their drinking water under a Labor government, will be sourced from sewerage treatment plants. If the LNP remains committed to their policy that recycled water should not be added to domestic supplies, and makes it an election issue, it should be a winner to them.
Recycled water for industry? Great idea! Recycled sewage water for human consumption? Who came up with this insanity?
1:55 PM, October 30, 2008
There is no guarantee of present day water supplies but why try and add to any impurities that we may have directly from a closed sewer system - done nowhere else in the world - why take the chance?why?
10:04 PM, October 30, 2008
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For more info on Gold Coast Water see
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10:51 PM, October 30, 2008
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