The 4350water Blog highlights some of the issues relating to proposals for potable reuse in Toowoomba and South East Qld. 4350water blog looks at related political issues as well.

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Recycled sewage operating costs increase by $80 million p.a. ...

More details on Gowrie Creek farmers' concerns published in today's Chronicle.

This issue highlights another deficiency of the NWC application.

The Toowoomba City Council glossed over what will happen with the RO waste stream, particularly after Acland Coal mine closes. This lack of attention to detail will end up costing Toowoomba ratepayers at least another $66 million to build the required evaporation ponds.

Now it turns out that the Council or the State government will need to compensate the Gowrie Creek farmers for ruining their livelihoods - to the tune of $80 million per annum.

The costs are certainly mounting up. For a $70 million project, the project costs are expected to blow out by another $66 MILLION and annual operating costs (including irrigator compensation) by another $80 MILLION per annum.

Who actually prepared the NWC application?

The numbers just DON'T ADD UP ...

Gowrie Ck farmers take fight to capital

GOWRIE Creek farmers will take their battle to Canberra, requesting compensation for the loss of livelihood expected if Toowoomba’s water recycling project goes ahead.

Gowrie Oakey Creek Irrigators Association president Rod Sleba said the area’s 70 irrigators would lose a combined $80 million a year unless Toowoomba City Council agreed to continue releasing flows down the creek for farmers.

Mr Sleba will meet federal water spokesman Malcolm Turnbull tomorrow asking him to assist farmers who fear having to leave the land if their only water source is cut off.

He said there would be no water left for farmers if Toowoomba recycled 5000Ml a year because the water available would go to Millmerran Power Station and Acland Coal.

“We have a legal opinion that tells us we are entitled to some compensation,” Mr Sleba said. “But who should pay it, Toowoomba City Council or DNR (the Department of Natural Resources Mines and Water), we don’t know.”

Mr Sleba said about 15Ml a day evaporated from Cooby Dam while only the equivalent 15Ml a day would be recycled back in.

Deputy Mayor Joe Ramia said council would release some water “to keep the creek alive” but admitted it would not be enough for farmers.

He said the creek issue was just another of the problems that had to be resolved before council would receive federal funding for its Water Futures recycling project.

In a statement, Mr Turnbull said water management plans for the irrigators would “underpin” the success of the water recycling project.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mr Sleba, suggest claiming against both the council and the DNR - let them sort out how they contribute to your compensation.

It's outrageous that so little thought was given to the Gowrie Creek farmers by the council - and the mayor used to be an irrigator. Is this the ultimate revenge?

2:45 PM, March 29, 2006

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think little thought was given to everybody,, this is all just a scam to increase rates and take more money for Toowoomba rate payers, how much of this $80mil will the farmers see, my guess is not even $1mil. The federal governement need to investigate our council, because they are the only one wanting the rate payers to start paying for their mistakes and lack of development skills.

It's hide time we got ourselves a new council, one the puts people first and not their pockets.

3:03 PM, March 29, 2006

Anonymous Anonymous said...

The main problem is that the Toowoomba City Council is not looking at a whole of region solution. The Mayor is hellbent on introducing recycled sewage to the detriment of the surrounding shires.

She will ruin the farmers' lives, she will lose Toowoomba its shire water customers (and all that revenue) and she will pollute Rosalie shire with the waste stream.

We know she doesn't care what happens to Toowoomba residents. Now it's clear she doesn't care about the surrounding shires either.

3:15 PM, March 29, 2006


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