The 4350water Blog highlights some of the issues relating to proposals for potable reuse in Toowoomba and South East Qld. 4350water blog looks at related political issues as well.
For many years, the 4350water blog has informed readers of plans by the Toowoomba City Council (now Toowoomba Regional Council) and the Qld government to introduce recycled water for drinking in Toowoomba.
It has also looked at the issue from a State and Federal perspective and dealt with related State and Federal political issues.
There continues to be a need for the Toowoomba Regional Council to be completely transparent in its dealings with the ratepayers and residents of Toowoomba.
There also continues to be a need for open debate on the benefits and risks of potable reuse and long-term studies on the effects on humans of drinking recycled water.
Coal seam gas water is emerging as a possible alternate water source for some uses for the region.
The 4350water blog is a collective effort and thanks go to its many contributors.
* Water the garden with a hand-held hose or water efficient sprinkler, wash cars or do general outdoor cleaning during two 30-minutes periods per week
- On Tuesday and Saturday between 4pm and 4.30pm for odd numbered houses
- On Wednesday and Sunday for even numbered or un-numbered houses.
* Use a bucket to water the garden or clean outdoors any day between 4pm and 8am.
* Fill new swimming pools with town water
Residents will still not be allowed to use a hose to clean driveways, paving or pathways
2:55 PM, April 05, 2009
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