Toowoomba dam levels at 9.7% ....
... as at 3 April 2009. Remember that's dam levels only and doesn't refer to bore and GAB water supplies.
The 4350water Blog highlights some of the issues relating to proposals for potable reuse in Toowoomba and South East Qld. 4350water blog looks at related political issues as well.
... as at 3 April 2009. Remember that's dam levels only and doesn't refer to bore and GAB water supplies.
GAB bores have limited impact:
Emergency GAB Bores - Hydrogeological Modelling
Australasian Groundwater and Environmental Pty Ltd (AGE) undertook numerical modelling of the impacts of sourcing 5,000ML per annum of GAB water from the Cooby Dam/Meringandan area.
Their final report dated November 2007 concluded that the modelling results show no significant additional long term impacts on the
Helidon Sandstone aquifer.
The modelling showed that, during periods of extraction, some impacts can be expected in nearby areas to the borefield, however due to the elastic nature of the aquifer once the extraction is over, the water levels rapidly recover to a level just under the predicted level had the extraction not occurred.
To minimise capital costs as well as operational and maintenance costs, the modelling investigation ended with a concentration of bores in the vicinity of Cooby Dam.
3:47 PM, April 05, 2009
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