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Sunday, March 09, 2008

Toowoomba Election website spits the dummy ...

Excerpt from Toowoomba Election forum:

Candidates who have chosen not to be listed have generally done so as they are afraid of technology and/or afraid of the competition of being weighed up next to their opponents.

As an example, a mayor candidate who I won't name chose not to be listed because he "[has] access to a number of email networks and web-sites that have effectively served two previous campaigns over the past two years."

I am concerned that a mayoral candidate would be more concerned about what will win or lose him an election as opposed to what will be the best thing for the voters.

We are getting over 200 unique visitors to the site every day. I hope that these visitors realise that the candidates who have opted out of the site are making the democratic process more difficult for voters and therefore exclude them from their vote on March 15!

See - Toowoomba Election website spits the dummy.

Always interesting when a website claims that it's in the voters' interests that its website be used and that a failure to use their website makes the democratic process more difficult.

Even more extraordinary is the attempt at candidate blackmail by the Toowoomba Election website - voters should exclude from their vote any candidate who doesn't provide their details and participate in the Toowoomba Election website.

Candidates are probably sensible to avoid the Toowoomba Election website - not wishing to be drawn into attempts at candidate blackmail being circulated by that website.

A simple sampling of blogsite visits and google searches shows that voters are intelligent enough to think beyond one website when researching candidates for next Saturday's election ...


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