SEQ pipeline a pipedream ...
Excerpt from the Courier Mail:
Pipedream still distant
30 June 2007
From the air it doesn't look like it, but this is the "world-record" construction effort on Queensland's most critical piece of water infrastructure.
Photos taken on Thursday showed activity along only five small sections of the 200km route of the Western Corridor recycled pipeline, due for completion by December next year.
Numerous waterways and roads still had not been traversed and preparation work had not started in marshy and wooded terrain south of the Brisbane River.
Urban and industrial areas from Mt Petrie to Browns Plains also awaited the bulldozer.
Most of the 33km of pipeline laid so far was on easily accessible land north of Esk and near Bundamba, where an advanced treatment plant is being constructed, and around Goodna.
An infrastructure consultant shown the aerial photos was surprised at the lack of activity. "Frankly I don't see how it could be done, within even six months or a year of the target," he said. "Activity seems less intense than what I would have anticipated."
While the pace of pipe-laying has accelerated in recent times, it is still averaging only 5km a month.
At that rate the project will take another 31 months – but only 18 remain before the deadline.
See - Courier Mail - Pipedream still distant.