The 4350water Blog highlights some of the issues relating to proposals for potable reuse in Toowoomba and South East Qld. 4350water blog looks at related political issues as well.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Mayor Thorley - it wasn't supposed to end like this ...

It was supposed to be the time of the victory lap around Wetalla, proudly showing off the completed visitors' centre and recycled water plant, offering people sips of "Thorley Water".

It was supposed to be the time (almost) for celebrating the commencement of the recycled water testing period in Cooby Dam.

It was supposed to be about being inundated with requests to speak at conferences and opportunities to help other councils with their recycled water plans.

Why did it all go so wrong?

First, you can't bully the public. You can try but it's unlikely in local government politics that you will succeed. You can't tell people they'll be sacked if they don't vote Yes. You can't threaten to withdraw funding for community events.

Second, you can't lie to the public. In this age of the internet, soon or later (sooner in this case), your lies will be exposed. You can't hold closed door meetings and hope the public won't find out. You can't claim 70% support when you don't have it.

Third, you can't resist FOI documentation requests - it only makes the public want the documents even more.

Fourth, you can't tell the public they are morons if they don't agree with you - they are the ones who vote you in and out of office.

Fifth, you can't make the cornerstone of your cause a document which does not exist.

Sixth, you have to do your homework. You can't propose a project which has no possible chance of ever working for the money you suggest and no chance of ever being built in the manner you suggest.

Seventh, you can't stack the game. You can't vote yourself all the money you want to publicise your cause while trying to starve your opponents of funds - it just makes them work harder.

And last, you need to figure out up front where your RO waste stream will go. Otherwise, you leave your opponents plenty of scope to drive a bus through your strategy and your numbers ...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

But Thorley did not count on Morley, Manners and Berghofer and all the people that they stand for.
She could never accept that in the Poll the people voted NO!!!!

She thinks that she is still right.

There are many experts who are now saying that we were right to not accept what Thorley and her ilk have been trying to tell us.

Lies, lies and more lies!!

9:50 PM, June 26, 2007


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