The 4350water Blog highlights some of the issues relating to proposals for potable reuse in Toowoomba and South East Qld. 4350water blog looks at related political issues as well.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

The day State parliament belted Mayor Thorley and talked about recycled sewage ...

MP Hopper took Mayor Thorley to task in State parliament yesterday for ignoring other water source options, including gas water.

He also questioned whether the Beattie government proposes to use the recycled water pipeline to Tarong power station (which will run past Wivenhoe dam) to pour recycled water into Wivenhoe so it can be used for drinking purposes in Brisbane.

See - Hansard - 9 May 2006.

Then, scroll down to read MP Hobb's comments on Mayor Thorley's "crazy proposal" and how she refuses to replace the bore water used to water Toowoomba's parks and gardens with recycled water but wants to force Toowoomba residents to drink recycled water.

Then, scroll down further to read MP Horan's comments on how Toowoomba has been forgotten as part of the Beattie government's water infrastructure plans.

Then some real breaking news - MP Shine actually comments on the Toowoomba Water Futures scheme (!) and confirms that he supports it (and virtually seals his fate at the next election).

He also stated that the Federal government has given an "inherent guarantee of safety" for the project - something the Federal government may not quite agree with.

See - Hansard - 9 May 2006.

Mayor Thorley's plan to water the public parks with bore water while forcing people to drink recycled sewage highlights the poor planning behind her controversial project.

Also see - Councillor Shelton's media release.

Certainly an interesting day in State parliament ....


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope Thorley keeps getting told.
Poor Mr. Shine, what has he done to himself, actually coming out and admitting that he supports it.
At last some truthful reporting from the Toowoomba's Mail. Maybe the Council should read it, they might learn something about Windhoek in Namibia. The plant they think is so great in their waterbook.
Good on Rebecca Vonhoff, the reporter for H2O upset. I would rather pay $1.60 for information from the Toowoomba's Mail than the other dribble from the Chronicle. The Chronicle should be free.
The Chronicles slogan under their heading on the front page always says "wake up to more" it should just read "WAKE UP"

4:28 AM, May 10, 2006

Anonymous Anonymous said...

All our council is concerned about is using up all potable water, by watering the parks etc.

Then saying to people they have no choice but to drink recycled crap, because they have used all the other water.

7:39 AM, May 10, 2006

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thats funny, The Chronicle Wake Up.
Anyway why don't the council fill their water trucks from the lakes around the city. I saw the fire brigade filling a couple of weeks ago from Lake Annand. They should be congratulated for that. This is free water under everybodies noses for watering gardens. Why won't the council use it?

8:11 AM, May 10, 2006

Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's as simple as this: Thorley has been offered a pay off or a job with the company that will build the RO plant. That is why she is pushing it down everybody's throat. This would be a conflict of interest and would stand to have the project scrapped, since she is doing it to benefit herself and not the community. Why else would a person push something so hard when they know the community don't want it. She stands to lose more then just water, her future is at stake here, and I don't mean her political future.

Shw works very closly to with the US company wanting to build RO plants here. Obviously, they have found a sucker, and have offered her something big. I think we need to run this company out of Australia, and the federal government should BAN any attempt to sell RO technology on a MASS scale, they need to piss off.

10:03 AM, May 10, 2006

Anonymous Anonymous said...

It won't matter, the Chronicle will be sued for their crimimal act for posting people names or details with out concent from them or a court of law, and yes it is a crimimal act. Why do you think people faces get blured out of some news scenes, because they didn't have concent to show their face.

Is there anyone prepared to create a NEW paper for Towooomba, since the Chronicle have now just proven they are only interested is money making stories and not the truth.

10:08 AM, May 10, 2006

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good to see some politicians standing up and calling Thorley's plan what it is - crazy! Watering the parks and gardens with bore water and then using the recycled stuff for drinking. What is she thinking? The NSW premier is on the right track - use it for non-drinking purposes.

11:42 AM, May 10, 2006

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why is it that Palaszczuk and Beattie keep saying there is no alternative for SE Qld except building these dams but Toowoomba needs to drink recycled water? Why the two stories? Why can't Brisbane and the north and south coasts drink recycled water if it is as good as Thorley says?

11:54 AM, May 10, 2006

Anonymous Anonymous said...

The proceedings in parliament yesterday are worth reading.

1:55 PM, May 10, 2006

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Drink recycled sewage, it's good for Thorley and maybe OK for you.

2:54 PM, May 10, 2006

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hardly the assurance we're looking for.

2:58 PM, May 10, 2006

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well I see it like this:

1. Brisbane Mayor says NO to recycled effluent.

2. Towoomba Mayor says, no worries, I'll make Toowoomba drink it.

3. Toowoomba, left out of the states NEW water scheme, dams etc.

4. Toowoomba, left out of the next five year budget.

5. Toowoomba, left out of Asutralia all together.

We may as well border off our town and let nobody leave or enter, seems the right thing to do.

6:12 PM, May 10, 2006

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Looks like Toowoomba is out on its own.

7:40 PM, May 10, 2006

Blogger Water Hawk said...

If you think about it they want us to be their test case and experiment with this crazy scheme of reclaimed sewage water. Like all LAB RATS we will be kept separate just so the rest don't get wind at what lies ahead for all under a Beattie lead government.

11:07 PM, May 10, 2006


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