The 4350water Blog highlights some of the issues relating to proposals for potable reuse in Toowoomba and South East Qld. 4350water blog looks at related political issues as well.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Brisbane - yet another water source option ...

Extra desalination plant one day, water from northern NSW the next.

The SEQ water options keep expanding.

(Remember drinking recycled water is apparently the option of last resort - the 'Armageddon solution' according to Premier Beattie.)

Excerpt from Courier Mail:

Bold water solution for Qld

12 April 2007

A plan to pump water from NSW to help supply a parched southeast Queensland will be strongly backed in a report to be released today.

Federal Water Minister Malcolm Turnbull will unveil in Brisbane a study that concludes a cross-border pipeline would be a cost-effective option.

The study comes just days after the introduction of tough level 5 restrictions in Brisbane and the emergence of a State Government report recommending construction of the world's biggest desalination plant north of Brisbane to tackle the region's water crisis.

The new report argues that major rivers could be dammed in NSW and water transported north to southeast Queensland.

Mr Turnbull says the project would have been built years ago but for interstate rivalries.

It is understood the Federal Government would pump hundred of millions of dollars into the plan if it gets off the ground.

The Snowy Mountains Engineering Corporation report, commissioned by the National Water Commission, outlines five key options for further investigation, but warns co-operation between governments is essential.

Four of the options involve damming NSW's Clarence River and piping water north to the Logan River in Queensland.

A fifth option is to dam the Tweed River and pump water to the Nerang River. This plan would produce 20,000ML a year at the cost of $1.42 for every 1000 litres.

But the report argues that the best long-term solution would be a dam on the Clarence, above Duck Creek, that would yield 100,000ML each year.

Under level 5 restrictions, southeast Queensland consumption is expected to fall to 630 million litres a day.

The Federal Government will argue cost estimates make the project cheaper than recycling or desalinating water or building the Traveston Crossing Dam.

It is likely the report will get a luke-warm reception from the Queensland Government, which maintains it is too far to pump water from NSW. But the report indicates the biggest hurdles might not come from Queensland – but from NSW.

"The rivers of Northern NSW are subject to a number of legislative and policy requirements that would need to be addressed in a more detailed assessment," it warns.

Federal Opposition Leader Kevin Rudd has promised a Labor Government would deliver $408 million for the western-corridor recycled water pipeline.

See - More water options for SEQ.


Blogger Concerned Ratepayer said...

State vs Feds tussle for control of water

PM Howard's comments on the proposed NSW water sharing arrangement.

Excerpt from SMH:

States must share 'Australian water': PM

12 April 2007

Prime Minister John Howard has swung right behind a plan to pump water from northern NSW to parched south-east Queensland, declaring that "Australian water" should be available to all Australians regardless of state rivalries.

"Heavens above. We have to start to try and think about outcomes for people and benefits for people," Mr Howard told a news conference in Canberra.

"Let's be broadminded, instead of having a knee-jerk reaction, 'Aw, you can't take NSW water into Queensland.'

"To heck with that. It is Australian water. It is not NSW water. It is Australian water.

"And I think that Australian water should be available for Australians on terms that are fair and equitable for all people in all parts of the country. That is my point of view."

2:14 PM, April 12, 2007

Blogger Water Hawk said...

If John and Malcolm had such a clear view just a little while ago we would not have Premier Beattie telling us that we had to drink water sourced from the back end of a sewage plant or die!!

Where is this Australian spirit to pull together and look after the community?

We need just a little hope that good clean reliable water can be delivered and not water from our own sewage!!!!

10:14 PM, April 12, 2007

Blogger Water Hawk said...

Luckily the community always has an election just around the corner and the politicians have to listen and I believe that the Feds are listening to the 70%+ of the people who will not accept the Beattie plan to have the S/E Qlders drink recycled sewage water.

More power to the people, speak up as you can be heard!!!

10:21 PM, April 12, 2007

Blogger Concerned Ratepayer said...

Excerpt from ABC News:

Brisbane Deputy Mayor says pipeline proposal is 'positive'

13 April 2007

Brisbane's Labor Deputy Mayor says a proposal to pipe water from northern New South Wales to south-east Queensland should be considered.

Both the Prime Minister and the federal Water Minister are pushing the plan to dam the Clarence River in northern New South Wales and divert the water into Queensland.

It has received a lukewarm response from both States.

But Councillor David Hinchliffe says all the options should be on the table.

"I think we should keep an open mind about all these suggestions," Cr Hinchliffe said.

"It seems to be a positive initiative that requires research and if it can work then why wouldn't we accept it and get on with it."

12:57 PM, April 13, 2007


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