Toowoomba's vision for 2050 ...

Toowoomba 2050 is about people and places, facilities and services, infrastructure, development and the environment. It is about our place in South East Queensland and our role in servicing the Darling Downs and beyond. It is also about our future, the future of our children and those that follow.
A goal of the Toowoomba 2050 project is to hear the ideas of as many people as possible to help plan for the future of our city. This questionnaire is one of various engagement processes available for the community and 'interested others' to get involved in the project.
Your responses to this questionnaire are confidential and will be reported in general terms only.
The results of this questionnaire will be compiled along with the results of other Toowoomba 2050 engagement processes and used as input to the Toowoomba 2050 Community Plan.
A first draft of the plan will be made available towards the end of the year, for review by the community.
See - Toowoomba 2050 Questionnaire.
Give the Toowoomba City Council your comments on their vision for 2050 and whether you think a recycled water plant which would financially cripple the city should form part of those plans ...
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