The 4350water Blog highlights some of the issues relating to proposals for potable reuse in Toowoomba and South East Qld. 4350water blog looks at related political issues as well.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Why the $460,000 yes campaign faces an uphill battle ...

One of the difficulties with the Mayor's $460,000 ratepayer-funded advertising spree is the time which would be required to convince a majority of Toowoomba residents to drink recycled sewage.

This assumes one can change people's minds - there are certainly large numbers in Toowoomba whom you will never convince to drink recycled sewage.

For the past 10 months, Toowoomba people have been subjected to lies and deception by the Toowoomba City Council on a level rarely seen in Australian politics.

And for what purpose?

To try to "educate" the people that they should be drinking recycled sewage.

Every study to date shows that an overwhelming majority of people do not currently want to drink recycled sewage. This includes the most recent polling done in Toowoomba.

The Mayor now proposes to embark on a relentless advertising campaign for the next 8 weeks, spending $460,000 of ratepayers' money to try to achieve what she has been unable to achieve in the past 10 months - to convince Toowoomba residents to drink recycled sewage.

It seems highly likely that this campaign will fail. You simply can't buy trust.

It also seems that the Mayor is very much afraid of this - needing to grant the Yes campaign $460,000 of ratepayers' funds while allowing $0.00 for the No campaign.

Even last week, she was up to her old tricks - trying to limit the number of how to vote cards which could be issued. Given that no election process in Australia seeks to impose such limits, this is once again extraordinary behaviour.

Toowoomba people are not stupid - they can see through these tactics.

The other difficulty the recycled sewage industry faces with the referendum is that this will be an opportunity for anyone with a grievance against the Mayor or the Council to express their disapproval through a No vote.

When the Mayor or Deputy Mayor abuses or threatens someone, do they really think these people will vote Yes?

Do they think those offended by the parking changes will vote Yes?

What about those who think the Mayor's obelisks were a waste of money?

Rightly or wrongly, voters will use the referendum to express their distrust and disapproval of the Mayor and the Council.

The $460,000 ratepayer funded advertising campaign has offended many people.

Many people are also outraged that the Council has continually lied to them.

These people are unlikely to vote Yes.

The recycled sewage industry should perhaps have done some homework before choosing Mayor Thorley as their spokesperson ...


Blogger Water Hawk said...

No amount of sipping Singapore water by the Six Sipping Singapore Slobs will convince me!!

8:17 PM, May 24, 2006

Anonymous Anonymous said...

The funny thing is, the mayor is misleading the people again with drinking this water,,, unless she got it directly from singapores water supply, she is telling fibs.. Singapore bottled water is not taken from the general water supply where the recycled effluent goes. So there must be a lot dumb idiots in Toowoomba if they beleave it to be recycled sewage.

Water taste test does not relveal chemicals in the water that could be harmful, this water tatse test is a cop out for the un-informed community, and it seems to be atracting them; pitty they are think of themselves and not the future of this city and the health of our kids.

Thorley should be stopped for trying to mislead people into thinking recycled sewage is safe, the water tatse test is doing just that, misleading the public once more... Where is the CJC and the returning officier, are they even taking notice of what the TCC is doing?

10:00 PM, May 24, 2006

Anonymous Anonymous said...

The TV ads are so boring they are enough to put you to sleep.

They don't tell people it is recycled sewage!

12:41 PM, May 25, 2006

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Council's secret plan - bore you to a yes vote. Stop the Ads! I'm sorry. I'll vote yes!

12:46 PM, May 25, 2006

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gonna be hard to convince people if the ads put them to sleep.

1:56 PM, May 25, 2006


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