The 4350water Blog highlights some of the issues relating to proposals for potable reuse in Toowoomba and South East Qld. 4350water blog looks at related political issues as well.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Commerce Qld - Toowoomba City Council ...

... shuts shop on water shortage.

Strong comments from business representative group Commerce Qld on Mayor Thorley's latest tactics to force Toowoomba residents to drink recycled sewage.

Toowoomba City Council shuts shop on water shortage

Toowoomba City Council is attempting to wash its hands of water shortage issues, announcing the launch of the ‘yes’ campaign will be the last the community will hear from Council on the matter.

Commerce Queensland South West Regional Chairman, Ken Murphy, expressed his disbelief that Mayor Thorley could remove the responsibility for planning for the future of the city and investigating alternative water sources from Council.

"This is the most important matter currently on the agenda in Toowoomba and the surrounding region," Mr Murphy said.

"I’m shocked our Mayor wants to remain silent on the subject. This is simply not good enough."

Mr Murphy said Councillor Thorley had handed the issue to engineers and scientists, claiming politics have hijacked it.

"It is too important to be just passed over to the paid help," Mr Murphy said.

"This issue became political when the second term Thorley administration failed to plan for Toowoomba’s future; when Thorley’s Council voted to spend $460,000 of Ratepayers money promoting only the ‘yes’ case; and when Thorley’s Council refused to properly investigate viable alternatives."

Toowoomba residents are now being railroaded into a ‘yes’ decision on the Water Futures project, with the Council pushing the case for recycled water and dismissing other options in the lead up to the July Referendum.

"There are several viable alternatives which must take priority over the controversial Recycled Sewerage Water project," Mr Murphy said.

"Commerce Queensland calls on the Mayor to personally explain to the community why Council is jeopardising the City’s reputation and risking the region’s future when there are so many alternatives."

Why is it Dalby Town Council can bring 2,250MGL of water to Dalby for $10M, yet Toowoomba claims bringing 5,000MGL to Toowoomba will cost $150M? Further to this, a national engineering firm has costed the water swap alternative at less than half Toowoomba City’s exaggerated price.

In addition, the State Government has announced two new dams and associated water infrastructure to provide 235,000MGL. Toowoomba needs just 2 per cent of this amount.

Source - Commerce Qld Press Release - Toowoomba City Council shuts shop on water shortage - 22 May 2006.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good on CQ for coming out and taking a stand against Thorley and her cronies.

5:45 PM, May 23, 2006


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