The 4350water Blog highlights some of the issues relating to proposals for potable reuse in Toowoomba and South East Qld. 4350water blog looks at related political issues as well.

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Highfields developer - people want to drink recycled sewage ...

Claims in today's Chronicle by a developer active in Highfields who, using an example of WalMart in the US installing energy-reducing systems in their buildings, claims that people will be naturally attracted to drinking recycled sewage.

"They're finding not only are they doing the right thing from a reduced energy perspective but people are driving from the other side of town and other counties to shop at these centres," he said.

When was the last time you drove to another town to visit a store just because it had installed low wattage light bulbs?

See - Developer - people will want to drink recycled sewage.

This is contrary to every statistic published to date on people's reactions to being asked to drink recycled sewage.

Crows Nest Shire has mandated second or "purple" pipe installations in new subdivisions so it's important to distinguish exactly what is being discussed.

However, it seems unlikely that real estate agents will start incorporating recycled sewage in their advertising any time soon:

"3 bedroom lowset house, close to transport, drinking water connected to town recycled sewage scheme, only city in Australia to force its residents to drink recycled sewage, only city in the world to make its residents drink a mix of up to 29% recycled sewage. Best offer."


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wouldn't expect too many through the door at that open inspection!

10:46 AM, April 26, 2006

Anonymous Anonymous said...

The developer is only interested in his hip pocket.

Yes people would accept this if it was through the purple pipe, and used for the garden, toilet etc. but not through the pipes where people have to drink, shower and cook in it.

I certainly won't be patronising any food outlets in town when this comes in and they have poo-rified water in the restaurant.

11:44 AM, April 26, 2006

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can you imagine what such a lethal cocktail the sewage water will become when it just keeps going round and round the loop!

9:29 AM, April 27, 2006


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