The 4350water Blog highlights some of the issues relating to proposals for potable reuse in Toowoomba and South East Qld. 4350water blog looks at related political issues as well.

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Sewage recycling concerns go to PM ...

From the Courier Mail:

Sewage recycling concerns go to PM

24 April 2006

Opponents of a scheme to recycle sewage for drinking water in Toowoomba have appealed to the Prime Minister to intervene after Toowoomba City Council voted to use what they claim is a biased question in a referendum of city residents.

Federal Government approval of funding for the world-first project to create 25 per cent of the city’s drinking water supply from recycled sewage depends upon a majority of residents approving it.

But councillors opposed to the scheme claim the referendum question is rigged in favour of the “yes” case.

Cr Lyle Shelton said the question “Do you support the addition of purified recycled water to Toowoomba’s water supply via Cooby Dam as proposed by Water Futures — Toowoomba?” was deceptive in avoiding the crucial issue of whether people wanted to drink recycled sewage.

In addition, council had voted to fund a $460,000 media campaign funding the “yes” case but to spend nothing promoting the “no” case, Cr Shelton said.

It would be odd if the Prime Minister agreed with the actions of Mayor Thorley.

In 1999, as Prime Minister, he presided over the Republic referendum process which permitted equal funding for both sides of the debate.

It seems equally likely that the recycled water companies and research academics are shaking their heads at the latest debacle by the Council.

The Council's decisions just alienate more voters and show that Toowoomba City Council is by no means convinced that the public will support its controversial recycled sewage project.

Mayor Thorley spent a number of months telling media outlets that 70% of the community supported her project. If that was the case, why would it be necessary to spend any money at all on the yes campaign.

To treat Councillors Beer, Barron and Shelton as outsiders to be denied funding to put their side of the debate before the people who elected them as Councillors is one of the most bizarre decisions of Mayor Thorley and her supporters to date ...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

It doesn't matter what the question is. Toowoomba people will see through Thorley and Ramia's tactics and vote against their plan.

6:52 AM, April 25, 2006

Anonymous Anonymous said...

The PM should be concerned , very concerned.
We will remember the Liberal Party at the next election!

7:59 AM, April 25, 2006

Anonymous Anonymous said...

All we have to remember is, that we do not want poo-rified water.
"It's OK to say NO".

12:44 PM, April 25, 2006

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thtat's good, because I sent a personal letter to the PM, addressed:

Toowoomba Water & The TCC.

I stated it was time our PM come here to help us save our kids from future illness and the future of this town. Someone mentioned a fact here, that if it doesn't rain or the rain is considderably less then what the TCC will be pumping into the dam, that our dams will end up being almost 100% recycled water (sewage). Now that disgusts me and has just urged me to take civil action against the TCC for their incompetence and the forcing of a Yes vote knowing it is a waste of money, which could be used for more water saving technics. The mayor is about to be mobbed if she is seen in public. I wonder how many security gaurds she currently has with her, she better get some if she hasn't got any.

I only hope the PM does come here, because it's high time somebody with a little bit of authority other then Beattie to support and take action for the communtiy.

Thorley, if I see you in the street, you'll cop my wrath.

2:27 PM, April 25, 2006

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah it's time to tell the councillors what we think. Even if they won't hold public meeting we should tell them we object if we see them downtown or at the shops.

11:35 PM, April 25, 2006


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