The 4350water Blog highlights some of the issues relating to proposals for potable reuse in Toowoomba and South East Qld. 4350water blog looks at related political issues as well.

Friday, April 21, 2006

Flanagan gets cheque book but has no vote ...

One of the true ironies of the recycled sewage debate is that the Council's Director of Engineering Services, Kevin Flanagan, gets to spend $460,000 of Toowoomba ratepayers' money funding the Yes campaign ...

... but he doesn't get to vote at the referendum.

Mr Flanagan doesn't live in Toowoomba.

He won't even get asked his view - Crows Nest Shire Council will only ask residents of Blue Mountain Heights and Highfields for their views.

So the person most responsible for planning to make you drink recycled sewage won't be asked for his view and isn't entitled to vote.

And it's not his money he's spending on the Yes campaign ...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

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6:13 PM, April 22, 2006

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just tidied up for general consumption - without detracting from the point:

Anonymous said...
There shouldn't be a f***ing yes or no vote. How about just forcing the council to step down as they have failed being any type of decent humans.

Recycled sewage is not going to save the city, all this bloody money being spent on the YES and NO vote should be put towards securing our water supply now, not in 5 years.

The f***ing council need sacking and Thorley needs to just p*ss off with her dirty disgusting gutter attitude.

Now she is appealing to mothers, what a joke, any mother who supports her deserves to have their children subject to illness even death.

This may sound harsh, but it's a fact and it time the people of Toowoomba step up and kick the TCC in the butt, its time for a revolt.......

6:18 PM, April 22, 2006

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Funny that, I had some thing in mind. A revolt, isn't there a law against that, but then again, drinking recycled sewage should also be against the law, and so should spending rate payers money to prove an invalid discussion.

2:58 AM, April 23, 2006

Anonymous Anonymous said...

The feeling within the community is utter rage and it will get worse the longer this insult to our integrity continues. It is time the state or federal government stepped in and put an end to the undemocratic behaviour of our mayor and certain other councilors before scenes begin getting very ugly. There was no need for a referendum anyway, TCC kicked the idea of high-rise units on the range in the butt simply because a few hundred people objected and yet here we had several thousands of legit and verified signatures opposed to putting recycled effluent in our drinking water layed in there laps and they just totally ignored it. They are no more then a bunch of old hyprocrites who set rules to please only what they believe in.
Now they want to use the same peoples money to try and make them accept something they have already shown they do not want and that is bloody disgusting. It is way past time that our Mayor and certain councillors were made behave a lot more intelligently (if that is possible at all) and start acting like people in charge of running a city instead of acting like dictators who own the city. It is way past time to for the Beattie and Howard governemnets to stop trying to promote the drinking of recycled effluent in this city. We and all Aussies will not accept such trash treatment.

3:48 AM, April 23, 2006

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well I think the council are going to have a figt on their hands.. More and more sites are coming up with no support for the council, that should say somethin in it self. <- I think this will be good when it's comleted, that is if it will be needed at all.

1:40 PM, April 23, 2006

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm just waiting for a revolt! but recycling water will not be our saviour! that waters all going too evaporate! I won't be happy with recycled water for drinking until some proof comes along about how safe it will be! will it effect us in 30 yrs time etc. I still wanna know where has the 29% effulant mix test that was done too make this water so safe?? we are being lyed 2! all the supporters of this project have too realise this. there is NO scientific evidents that proves that this method is safe!!!

8:13 PM, April 23, 2006

Anonymous Anonymous said...

One who think even if Mr Flanagan has the cheque book that all expenses would have to pass through the council meeting to be ratified?
We will have to ask the question.

8:15 AM, April 25, 2006

Anonymous Anonymous said...

the biggest recycling effort Toowoomba will afford,will be the next election when we the people will get the chance to eject our council effulent, namely Thorley ramier and crew

3:38 PM, April 28, 2006


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