The 4350water Blog highlights some of the issues relating to proposals for potable reuse in Toowoomba and South East Qld. 4350water blog looks at related political issues as well.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Toowoomba Regional Council 2008 by-election - final results ...

Final results:
  • Keleher, Ian J - 1,432 - 1.8% 
  • Cass, Noel - 8,126 - 10.0% 
  • Sorensen, Ven - 1,804 - 2.2% 
  • Alroe, Michele - 6,874 - 8.4% 
  • Elvery, Bruce - 1,069 - 1.3% 
  • Berry, Rob - 1,603 - 2.0% 
  • McVeigh, John - 20,556 - 25.2%
  • Pobar, Pat - 2,156 - 2.6% 
  • Hunter, Avis - 2,156 - 2.6% 
  • Jones, Ian - 12,465 - 15.3%
  • Englart, Sue - 8,437 - 10.4% 
  • Orford, Grant - 3,305 - 4.1% 
  • Barron, Graham - 10,124 - 12.4% 
  • INFORMAL - 1,338 - 1.6% 
  • Total Votes Counted - 81,445 - 82.65% 
  • Total Enrolled Voters - 98,537 
Just over 17% didn't bother to vote.

And it's all over for the recycled Councillors ...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Early days but looks like it might be the scrap heap for most of the recycled councillors.

8:47 PM, December 06, 2008

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Probably McVeigh's night. Surely Rob Berry will give up now.

10:02 PM, December 06, 2008

Blogger Concerned Ratepayer said...

98,537 enrolled.

Figure at least 15% will not vote.

Leaves say 84,000.

16,700 counted = around 20% counted.

10:06 PM, December 06, 2008

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Clearly international interest.

4350water blog visitor:

ISP: Emirates Telecommunications Corporation
Country: United Arab Emirates
City: Dubai
Time of Visit: Dec 6 2008 9:**pm
Search Engine:
Search Words: john mcveigh toowoomba council
Visit Entry Page http://4350water.blo...council-2008-by.html

10:10 PM, December 06, 2008

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Probably McVeigh's night. Surely Rob Berry will give up now.

10:02 PM, December 06, 2008

Rob Is doing alright, leave him alone. At least he not coming last and he is betting Informal. Informal runs a good campaign, might I add.
Looks like people still remember Sue and Michele with the recycled sewage trauma.
Funny, most people forgive and forget things after a while.

10:31 PM, December 06, 2008

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rob Berry couldn't win a chook raffle! At the moment he has 303 votes. How many times has he run for local council and lost? He even ran in the last federal election. If you added all his votes from past elections he still wouldn't have enough to win. Someone has to say it. It's time to call it a day!

10:51 PM, December 06, 2008

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I does'nt matter who gets elected anyway. The regional council is run buy the state government, so who cares.
Just look at the water situation, goodbye dams!
We are with you Rob!! and you would do a fine job.

1:18 AM, December 07, 2008

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, Rob's not going to win - ever.

3:15 AM, December 07, 2008

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sure looks like those sewer sipping ladies are gone for all money. Back to the dole for Englart and back to her husband's office for Alroe. Noone votes for recycled sewer councillors.

10:52 AM, December 07, 2008

Anonymous Anonymous said...

In March Rob Berry got 1.33% of the vote so he's ahead a little on that.

11:03 AM, December 07, 2008

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Forget about poor old Rob and concentate on who is elected.
John McVeigh is another National party good old boy. We have a council of like minded people.

I don't mean that we now have councillors who will stand up for the majority of people who voted against the recycled water as this Regional Council has already proven where they all stand by their actions and happily ignored our wishes.

We are back to square one and only rain to fill the dams helps the community now.

I see where Anna Bligh has softened her stand on recyled sewage water and in her latested adds she tells us that it's there but only as a last resort.

If you believe that then you believe pigs will fly.

The election is down for the 24th February 2009. Let's see if I am right.

4:46 PM, December 08, 2008

Anonymous Anonymous said...

A McVeigh win confirms that Alroe and Englart have been consigned to the councillor rubbish bin for good. Unlikely to try again in 2012. Wonder if they now realise the folly of following Di and Kevin and their sewage dream.

7:41 PM, December 08, 2008

Anonymous Anonymous said...

McVeigh maintains lead in votes count

8th December 2008

PROMINANT businessman John McVeigh is still in the lead to become the newest Toowoomba Regional Councillor.

Returning officer Norm Garsden said after the second day of counting, officials had found very similar percentages to Saturday night.

“The percentages have barely changed since early Saturday night,” Mr Garsden said.

“John McVeigh is still in the lead at 27 per cent (11,946) above Ian Jones at 15.1 per cent (6606).”

Mr Garsden said they had opened all the envelopes that had arrived, which had been quite a slow progress.

“We will be able to count a lot more votes tomorrow (Tuesday) since we have taken the votes out, checked the declaration and scanned them into the electoral roll,” he said.

“We expect more in the mail from Saturday and around 10,000 arrived today (Monday).”

Mr Garsden said there had only been 1.5 per cent informal votes.

“This is a good result so far and most of the informal votes have been left blank.

“We have also received a couple of votes for Mickey Mouse, Santa Claus and Spiderman.”

The bulk of counting should be finished on Thursday, but the declaration of the election could take longer.

“We can declare when the number of votes outstanding is less then the votes between first and second,” Mr Gardsen said.

9:57 AM, December 09, 2008

Anonymous Anonymous said...

McVeigh is going to have to show us that he won't just sit there like the others, say nothing and take the salary. Why is no councillor outraged at the comments by the council that we aren't entitled to know how they spend our money? And what is it with Peter Taylor? He portrays the blokey I'm a nice guy image but everytime I see him on the TV I think he's just not very bright.

10:00 AM, December 09, 2008

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I didn't know I could have voted for Mickey!

10:17 AM, December 09, 2008

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wouldn't it be lovely if they spoke the truth during election like.........I don't give a penny's worth of billy goats ----, I*'m here for the money and if something good happens while I'm in, Well bless me and aint you lucky. We really would have to think twice before we put our cross on the line. It would be lovely to see some responsibility and accountability for a change.

5:05 PM, December 09, 2008

Blogger Concerned Ratepayer said...


McVeigh, John - 13,569 - 26.8%

Jones, Ian - 7,663 - 15.1%

Barron, Graham - 6,220 - 12.3%

Total Votes Counted 50,532 51.28%

5:31 PM, December 09, 2008

Anonymous Anonymous said...

WIN News:

By Election Update

9 December 2008

The Returning Office is still busily counting votes in the Toowoomba Regional Council By-Election.

With 50% of the votes counted this afternoon, figures still favour first time candidate John McVeigh, followed by former Clifton mayor Ian Jones.

Graham Barron isn't far behind.

And Noel Cass sits in fourth.

7:28 PM, December 09, 2008

Anonymous Anonymous said...

McVeigh has won.

4:47 PM, December 10, 2008

Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Chronicle:

McVeigh maintains lead in Toowoomba by-election

11th December 2008

Ian Jones would need to win every remaining ballot box to have a chance of usurping John McVeigh's race for the city hall.

On day five of counting, the Toowoomba businessman maintained his 26-per-cent share of the vote.

Mr Jones, the former Clifton mayor, inched forward to claim an extra 1% of the ballots, bringing his total to 16%.

More than 20,000 votes were counted by the 16-strong team yesterday.

Four hundred slips remained uncounted from yesterday's mail run.

Returning officer Norm Garsden said these would be counted today, along with the hundreds of ballots expected to arrive in the post.

“We're only finding minor changes to the trend,” Mr Garsden said.

“The percentages are pretty much the same.”

While the result will almost certainly be in favour of Mr McVeigh, Mr Garsden expects to only be able to officially declare the poll on Tuesday.

Bruce Elvery broke the 1000-vote barrier yesterday, while Noel Cass and Sue Englart gained more than 2000 votes each in the count.

John McVeigh … 20,290
Ian Jones … 12,310
Graham Barron … 10,048
Sue Englart … 8312
Noel Cass … 8022
Michele Alroe … 6770
Grant Orford … 3269
Avis Hunter … 2132
Pat Pobar … 3121
Ven Sorensen … 1767
Rob Berry … 1572
Ian J. Keleher … 1402
Bruce Elvery … 1044
Informal … 1303
Total Votes Counted … 80,372

10:18 AM, December 11, 2008

Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a great Xmas present, getting rid of Alroe and Englart yet again!!

10:23 PM, December 16, 2008

Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's wonderful news that the ladies have finally been retired. What a great day for Toowoomba.

10:43 AM, December 17, 2008


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