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Sunday, March 23, 2008

New fire station built arse backwards ...

Another NSW Labor screw-up. Can anyone count high enough to add them all up?

Let's hope the new Highfields fire station is better built.

Excerpt from Sunday Telegraph:

Bathurst fire station is a flamin' bungle

23 March 2008

The new Bathurst fire station, a glittering, $2 million taxpayer-funded facility, has been built the wrong way round. It means fire engines have to drive out the back door instead of the front, which still requires a tricky manoeuvre to get out on to the road.

But it is not the only problem at what the NSW Government boasted was a "state-of-the-art" station.

The building also leaks and contains no oxygen compressor, which means the firefighters have to drive back to the old station to refill their tanks.

The disastrous planning problems follow similar issues at the nearby $100 million Bathurst Base Hospital; there the design and construction flaws were so serious they resulted in the suspension of some surgery.


A local firefighter claimed staff had witnessed pegs being put into the ground with the station the right way around before they were pulled up and mysteriously re-arranged.

At the official opening on March 14, 2007 - 10 days before the state election - crews were requested to turn the trucks around so they faced the front.


At a ceremony to turn the first sod for the station, former emergency services minister Tony Kelly described the station as state-of-the-art.

See - Fire station built arse backwards.


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