The 4350water Blog highlights some of the issues relating to proposals for potable reuse in Toowoomba and South East Qld. 4350water blog looks at related political issues as well.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Ian Jones campaign withdraws campaign ad ...

4350water blog posting leads to the Ian Jones campaign pulling one of their ads from

See - Ian Jones ad removed from

The embarrassing error in the ad lead to its withdrawal with a new ad appearing.

See - Ian Jones redoes his ad.

They also took the opportunity to tidy up the authorisation required for campaign ads - the previous one was not correct.

The other ad still doesn't comply - you can compare them here:

This ad complies - Complying authorisation.

This ad doesn't - Non-complying authorisation.

The Ian Jones campaign should thank 4350water blog for pointing out their rather amateur mistakes before they receive too much TV coverage.

Wonder whether Ian will be billed for the ad changes? Perhaps he should ask for a refund.

4350water blog thinks Ian Jones faces a uphill battle to convince 60,000+ Toowoomba voters as well as those in shires other than Clifton to vote for someone they've never heard of and someone who doesn't appear to be going to be a fulltime Mayor for the region.

Amateur mistakes in ads just makes that task all the harder.

4350water blog will be reviewing all the candidates' ads so Ian shouldn't feel he is being treated unfairly. He just happens to be the first candidate out of the blocks and onto the airwaves.

As he said "I'm starting early - there's a big job to be done."

The first task might be to take your campaign manager out to the woodshed and whack him with a piece of 4 by 2 ...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is a disaster start for Jones. Continually knocked off message by having to reedit commercials. (Does anyone know what he stands for apart from amalgamations and running his businesses?)

11:08 AM, January 15, 2008

Anonymous Anonymous said...



Peter after top job

The region's worst kept secret was officially let out of the bag today.

Current Jondaryan Mayor and Transitional Committee Chairman Peter Taylor announcing he'll run for the top job in the new Toowoomba super council.

6:27 PM, January 15, 2008

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Having Taylor for mayor would be a lot like having Sarkozy for President, just without the book deal.

10:59 PM, January 15, 2008

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Attemped Personal Assasinations should be accompanied with full name and address.
Let he without sin, cast the first stone.

9:03 PM, January 16, 2008

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Having Taylor for mayor would be a lot like having Sarkozy for President, just without the book deal.

Carla Bruni
Paris, France

10:45 PM, January 16, 2008

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aussie politics is funny. In the US, even the hint of a scandal would sideline a politician. It's different in Australia. Look at past labor politicians who have fathered children with someone other than their wife. A former PM - whose mistress and offspring were sent to Queensland to be put on the premier's staff. Two Queensland premiers - the mistress and child of one were sent to Tasmania. The media doesn't report it but everyone knows it's going on. Wonder if Aussie politics will ever take a shift towards the US where a politician's morals are as important as their policies.

11:29 PM, January 16, 2008


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