The 4350water Blog highlights some of the issues relating to proposals for potable reuse in Toowoomba and South East Qld. 4350water blog looks at related political issues as well.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Toowoomba voters out for justice at 2008 election ...

If Deputy Mayor Ramia and Councillors Albion, Alroe, Englart and Schneider think that voters have forgotten their attempts to force recycled water on Toowoomba residents, they need only take a glance at the daily paper.

Letter to the Editor, the Chronicle:

Writer reminds us of issues

11 January 2008

Like him or loathe him, you've got to give Rob Berry one thing - he's consistent.

He never lets you forget the problems and issues Toowoomba and its residents have seen in the recent past.

And this is why I write today.

The matter of the recycled water debate was the single most divisive issue we have faced in this city and was bought [sic] about by self-seeking politicians and bureaucrats in local government who thought they knew best.

This Rob Berry knew all too well.

What he should have known is that not all Toowoomba City Councillors were to blame for this debacle.

Indeed, if we had not had the support of Lyle Shelton, Keith Beer and Graham Barron not to mention the tireless efforts of Rosemary Morley, Snow Manners and others, we might have had an entirely different outcome.

And this is the problem; just because you want to rid Toowoomba of some utterly useless present day council officials, don't think for one minute that a few might not make excellent local government representatives on a Super Council.

Granted, it's going to be a monumental job, but none more so than the battle that was fought and won by people who took it upon themselves to make a stand against an administration that was neither consultative not frugal in their efforts to have residents in this city drink something they didn't have to - recycled water.

Mention the subject to resident of the many now flooded towns in this country and they'll think you came from another planet - may be even Tasmania.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

This fight was started by a group (CADS) lead by Rosemary Morley and it took a lot of courage and determination as no-one was supporting them in the beginning.
It was only after the CADS group held a successful Public Meeting with 800 people in attendance that Lyle and the boys started to take notice.

I believe that it was a widely held view by this Council that Rosemary Morley and her group would go away in a few weeks and we all know that did not happen.

She and her group are still here and Thorley and hopefully all of her team will be gone after 15th March.

Tasmania is not even far enough away but it will do.

4:50 PM, January 13, 2008

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Any councillor who thinks this election won't be about recycled water is fooling themselves. The voters remember!

5:05 PM, January 13, 2008


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