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Friday, October 26, 2007

Washington Post does a number on K Rudd ...

Excerpt from Washington Post:

Aussie MP Kevin Rudd Waxes Disgusting

24 October 2007

Labor Candidate Grilled Over YouTube Ear Wax Meal

[photo] - caption - Kevin Rudd: Australian for nasty habit

Australia's Kevin Rudd, a Labor candidate for prime minister, has joined a long list of politicians to be YouTubed in what might be most stomach-turning display since America's fearless leader-to-be picked a running mate.

It's not racist, sexist or perverted, but according to some down under it "could do more damage to Kevin Rudd's election chances than any policy blitz."

Less than two weeks into his country's parliamentary elections, Rudd went viral Tuesday with a 24-second video during which he appears to pick and consume his own ear wax.

Now, I know what you're thinking -- Australia is a different country, and just because ear wax isn't on the menu at Outback Steakhouse, doesn't mean it's not eaten Down Under. After all, we shouldn't impose our American "tastes" on a different culture. How many times did we all have to watch Yahoo Serious before realizing that he was totally awesome?

Then again, I think earwax-eating is one of those activities that is gross across cultures.

The video in question was taken from a session of parliament roughly six years ago, when Rudd was a junior member. The blond-haired MP appears to pay little attention to the speaker, intent on scooping something from his left ear with his finger, which he then puts in his mouth. Let's go to the footage:

Some may argue that this was six years ago, and only happened once. But whether Rudd is a habitual ear wax user or merely a recreational one should be irrelevant. The question is whether a man with so little savvy for the cameras surrounding him is fit to hold his nation's highest office. And that is a question Australians will have to answer for themselves.

See - Aussie MP Kevin Rudd Waxes Disgusting.

Interesting comments by readers - seems Rudd's union buddies haven't been stacking this comments section (yet!).

Watch the video here - K Rudd supports recycling.


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