The 4350water Blog highlights some of the issues relating to proposals for potable reuse in Toowoomba and South East Qld. 4350water blog looks at related political issues as well.

Monday, October 22, 2007

Federal election - K Rudd supports recycling ...

... of anything!


Anonymous Anonymous said...


11:50 AM, October 22, 2007

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rudd - 'this is not Labor Party policy and I have disciplined myself over this unfortunate event'.

12:09 PM, October 22, 2007

Anonymous Anonymous said...

a little biased?

12:20 PM, October 22, 2007

Blogger Concerned Ratepayer said...

Provide the link for one from Howard and 4350water blog will show it.

Is KRudd a little too naive?

During the debate last night, he said that we must sign Kyoto because China is using Australia (and the US) as non-signatories as reason not to agree to any emission standards.

Is he so naive to think that if Australia did sign, China wouldn't smile nicely and come up with another reason not to sign.

Not even Rudd is that naive.

12:55 PM, October 22, 2007

Blogger Concerned Ratepayer said...

Excerpt from the Age:

What the worm missed
by Tim Colebatch

22 October 2007

Reality was tested at times in last night's economic debate. Several incidents missed by the worm caught the attention of the video umpire. Here are some of them:

John Howard: Labor governments equal budget deficits. Liberal governments equal budget surpluses.

Reality: Since the Whitlam government was elected in 1972, Coalition governments have delivered 10 surpluses and eight deficits. Labor governments have delivered six surpluses and 10 deficits. John Howard as treasurer delivered just one small surplus and four deficits. Yet state Labor governments in recent years have almost invariably run surpluses.

That tells you the state of the economy has more to do with whether the budget is in surplus than which side is power.

Kevin Rudd: Australia's interest rates reached a record 22 per cent when John Howard was treasurer.

Reality: There are many interest rates. The one that hit 22 per cent in Howard's time as treasurer was the 90-day bank bill rate. That is not set by the Reserve Bank, and is not paid by consumers.

The main interest rates Australians pay are mortgage rates. They peaked in 1982 at 13.5 per cent — well below the 17 per cent they reached under Labor seven years later.

Howard: Tax cuts do not add to inflationary pressure so long as they are affordable, and still leave a very strong budget surplus.

Reality: In boom times, the budget normally acts as an "automatic stabiliser", helping to keep the economy on an even keel. As people and companies pay higher taxes and fewer are on welfare, the government increases its surplus, withdrawing money and reducing pressure on interest rates.

Since 2005, by contrast, taxes have been cut as a share of GDP every year. This has put more money into consumers' hands, adding to demand pressures, and hence to pressure on interest rates.

Rudd: Labor's new programs would create an "education revolution" in our schools.

Reality: The Labor programs Rudd cited would put $3 billion of new spending into education over the next three years, a 5 per cent increase on the almost $60 billion of education spending in the forward estimates.

In the same period, Labor has pledged $33 billion for tax cuts.

Howard: Electing Labor at federal level as well as in all the states and territories would remove the checks and balances to the government's power.

Reality: Labor cannot win control of the Senate, which is the main check on the government's power. And the High Court will remain dominated by Howard appointees.

12:57 PM, October 22, 2007

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mmm tastes like chicken.

2:37 PM, October 22, 2007

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope he has changed his habits in this regard.

Labor Party is full of Socialists and want to be communists

8:57 PM, October 22, 2007

Anonymous Anonymous said...

wouldn't want to do that in front of some foreign government head

9:57 PM, October 22, 2007

Anonymous Anonymous said...

No wonder he waxes lyrical about Labor - disgusting

11:19 PM, October 22, 2007

Anonymous Anonymous said...


11:32 PM, October 22, 2007

Blogger Concerned Ratepayer said...

Excerpt from the Washington Post:

Aussie MP Kevin Rudd Waxes Disgusting

24 October 2007

Labor Candidate Grilled Over YouTube Ear Wax Meal

Kevin Rudd: Australian for nasty habit (AFP)

Australia's Kevin Rudd, a Labor candidate for prime minister, has joined a long list of politicians to be YouTubed in what might be most stomach-turning display since America's fearless leader-to-be picked a running mate. It's not racist, sexist or perverted, but according to some down under it "could do more damage to Kevin Rudd's election chances than any policy blitz." Less than two weeks into his country's parliamentary elections, Rudd went viral Tuesday with a 24-second video during which he appears to pick and consume his own ear wax.

Now, I know what you're thinking -- Australia is a different country, and just because ear wax isn't on the menu at Outback Steakhouse, doesn't mean it's not eaten Down Under. After all, we shouldn't impose our American "tastes" on a different culture. How many times did we all have to watch Yahoo Serious before realizing that he was totally awesome?

Then again, I think earwax-eating is one of those activities that is gross across cultures.

The video in question was taken from a session of parliament roughly six years ago, when Rudd was a junior member. The blond-haired MP appears to pay little attention to the speaker, intent on scooping something from his left ear with his finger, which he then puts in his mouth. Let's go to the footage:

Some may argue that this was six years ago, and only happened once. But whether Rudd is a habitual ear wax user or merely a recreational one should be irrelevant. The question is whether a man with so little savvy for the cameras surrounding him is fit to hold his nation's highest office. And that is a question Australians will have to answer for themselves.

4:21 PM, October 25, 2007


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