The 4350water Blog highlights some of the issues relating to proposals for potable reuse in Toowoomba and South East Qld. 4350water blog looks at related political issues as well.

Thursday, September 06, 2007

Would you trust these Toowoomba Councillors for 4 more years ...

$1 million plus on the Water Futures fiasco.

$2.4 million on the Wetalla bore fiasco.

All on their watch.

Remember faces 2-6 at the 2008 election (the outgoing Mayor of course doing a runner to Tasmania before the voters can cast judgement on her) ...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Present Toowoomba Councillors have so much to answer for, besides the GAB bore debacle check the rate rise. They approved an 11.88% rate rise but politically did not want to show the public that they were above 5% so they introduced differential rates and for the residential catergory raised the average 4.95% and to make up the shortfall all the other catergories got hit with rises mostly over 100%. The councillors are now blaming the workers because the heat is rising with more and more businesses complaining. If you have been hit with a rate rise of more than 30% ring your councillors and complain and watch for the public meeting to be called if the council does not come up with an answer.

12:08 AM, September 06, 2007

Anonymous Anonymous said...

What about the other three councillors - isn't it on their watch too?

10:40 AM, September 06, 2007

Blogger Concerned Ratepayer said...

Look at the battle that Cr Manners has to put up with.

Council employees withhold documentation from him so he has to wait until the Council meetings to read it and then the outgoing Mayor criticises him for wanting to read it in the meeting.

The outgoing Mayor tries to co-ordinate meetings so very little gets into the public domain. It's all about keeping secrets and keeping the public in the dark.

And this supposed to be a democracy.

How could anyone seriously consider re-electing Crs Ramia, Englart, Albion, Alroe and Schneider for another 4 years?

And Crs Beer and Barron will need to be particularly clear on their views if they expect to be given another 4 year term by the voters.

11:00 AM, September 06, 2007

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cr Beer and Cr Barron are a dead loss as they do not have the savvey or the guts to fight any fight.
Remember the people who fought the Water Poll were Berghofer , Manners and Morley.

11:33 AM, September 06, 2007

Blogger Concerned Ratepayer said...

A clean out of the 7 Councillors is the likely result.

11:46 AM, September 06, 2007

Anonymous Anonymous said...

You can't trust these people with another four years at the helm.

11:57 AM, September 06, 2007

Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is a question of trust and no we cannot trust these people for four more years.

1:09 PM, September 06, 2007

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would not cross the street to give that lot the time of day if my life depended on it, let alone vote them back into council. Gosh, they can't even run a bath.

6:23 PM, September 06, 2007

Blogger glenisd said...

I was at the recent Council meeting regarding the GAB bore fiasco and the atmosphere was so poisonous, particularly towards Cr. Manners. How can a Council with so much acrimony possibly make the best decisions for the community whom they profess to represent. The only Councillor truly representing the people is Cr. Manners and he is treated with disdain for daring to have a different view (the majority view of the community I might add)The sooner the elctions are held the better. I do not think the present Councillors will be returned because they will not be up to the standard required for the so called Super Shire. This community are just guinea pigs to them and the State Govt. (refer Traviston Dam, Recycled sewage water, forced amalgamations. We want none of these projects. I also wonder about the Yes voters - Do they really understand what is happening?

7:29 AM, September 08, 2007

Blogger Concerned Ratepayer said...

'How can a Council with so much acrimony possibly make the best decisions for the community whom they profess to represent?'

The simple answer - they can't.

Their main game is concealment and cover up. They are not interested in the needs and best interests of the community - just in pushing a very narrow agenda.

9:44 AM, September 08, 2007


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