The 4350water Blog highlights some of the issues relating to proposals for potable reuse in Toowoomba and South East Qld. 4350water blog looks at related political issues as well.

Monday, August 20, 2007

Qld government considers water options ...

Excerpt from Brisbane Times:

Qld businesses offer water solutions

20 August 2007

Supertankers and desalinating water from the Brisbane River are among the options being considered by the Queensland government to tackle the ongoing drought.

The schemes are among 28 emergency options proposed to deal with the worst drought on record.

Deputy Premier Anna Bligh said firms such as GE Water, Thiess and Sumitomo were among the major companies offering the emergency supply solutions.

The proposals would provide on average up to 125 megalitres of drinking water a day.

"To put that in perspective, south-east Queensland has been using about 550 million litres a day under level-five restrictions," Ms Bligh said.

"We'll do whatever it takes - this government will not let the south-east run out of water.

"We can anchor large-scale barges along the Brisbane River to pump desalinated water directly into the system. Or we can have water delivered by supertankers."

The projects will be shortlisted by the end of the month.

See - Qld government - we'll consider anything.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I note a lot of these measures are in case something goes wrong with the pipeline - do they know something that we do not?

7:28 PM, August 22, 2007


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