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Monday, August 20, 2007

BBC News - KRudd - Australia's UN observer - first stop - strip clubs...

Excerpt from BBC News:

Rudd apology for strip club visit

19 August 2007

The leader of Australia's opposition Labor Party has apologised for visiting a strip club in New York while representing his country at the UN.

Kevin Rudd went to the club in Manhattan in September 2003 during a visit to the city as a UN observer.

Mr Rudd has released a statement apologising for any offence which his actions may have caused.

He is currently riding high in the polls, with a national election expected before the end of the year.

A bookish intellectual with a strong Christian faith, Kevin Rudd has a slightly dull, even nerdy public persona.

So many Australians will have been surprised to read of his drunken, late-night visit to a New York strip club.

In September 2003 Mr Rudd had travelled to New York to attend the United Nations as a representative of the Australian government.

During his stay he was out for dinner with a New York-based journalist and a fellow Labor Party MP, after which they went on to a gentleman's club called Scores.

According to the Sunday Telegraph - one of Australia's leading tabloids - Mr Rudd was then asked to leave because of inappropriate behaviour.

In a statement released to reporters, the Labor leader has confirmed he visited the club but cannot recall precisely what happened on the night because he had too much to drink.

He apologised if he had caused any offence and said that he told his wife at the time.

Mr Rudd became the Labor leader in December last year and has enjoyed almost stratospheric approval ratings ever since.

It is unclear if this revelation will damage his chances of becoming prime minister in the election expected before the end of the year.

But in a country which once elected a champion beer drinker as its prime minister - Labor's Bob Hawke - many think it might actually enhance his chances of success.

See - KRudd's $18,000 strip club visit.

Also see - The Age - Inside the strip club that lured St Kevin.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

and this is the future prime minister?

12:32 PM, August 20, 2007

Anonymous Anonymous said...

A newspaper revealed yesterday that Mr Rudd had visited the Scores gentlemen's club in Manhattan in 2003 during a taxpayer-funded trip as Opposition foreign affairs spokesman.

Wonder what Rudd's expense claim said for the bill at the strip club

12:36 PM, August 20, 2007

Blogger Concerned Ratepayer said...

One producer at the ABC's Insiders, watching the events unspool yesterday, wondered aloud whether the Opposition Leader's new campaign slogan might be: 'Kevin .07'

12:43 PM, August 20, 2007

Anonymous Anonymous said...

What's the world coming to if you can't go on a taxpayer funded tour of New York strip clubs?

12:50 PM, August 20, 2007

Blogger Concerned Ratepayer said...

Excerpt from the Courier Mail:

Kevin Rudd was "rowdy, snotty and uppity" and did not want to leave a New York strip club after ordering beers in a VIP lounge during his infamous 2003 visit.

The venue's owner, Elliot Osher, told The Courier-Mail he recalled the Opposition Leader, fellow Labor MP Warren Snowdon and New York Post editor Col Allan visiting Scores in September 2003. (The visit occurred during a taxpayer-funded US trip.)

10:53 AM, August 21, 2007

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can believe the uppity part as will the rest of Australia when / if Rudd the Dud becomes prime minister

7:36 PM, August 22, 2007


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