Water Futures revival - how the Council tries to jam a failed project on the city once again ...
Toowoomba City Council:
- will cancel the Visitor's Centre. No free ad centre for multinational recycled water companies. This is actually a plus.
- still thinks New Acland Coal will take RO waste stream and New Acland Coal will pay for the cost of pipeline. Where is the commitment? There isn't one.
- will cancel the pipeline to Hampton Irrigators - not enough recycled water so they miss out.
- will have NO testing period for the recycled water. Against the previous advice of CSIRO.
See - Council Committee Meetings - 21-22 August 2007.
Quite surely I believe thatFlannagan should now be fired by the incoming Council - he has become a blight on the community as has those councillors who persist with their failed cause.
Rain on
10:15 AM, August 19, 2007
Rain it has, granted not enough to break the drought but it filled up the tanks and we are all happy as it shows that we will get more.
Brisbane is to have no testing period and most likely they will be the first to test a Toilet to Tap scheme!!! Straight from the sewer to treatment plant then to homes. The Australian government along with Premier Beattie are going to risk the health of our children to do this dreadful thing.
The bottle water industry is going to be worth squealions and Joe Ramia and his buddies with reap the rewards. How's that for a vested interest!
6:21 AM, August 20, 2007
Joe has got to go!
10:29 AM, August 20, 2007
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