The 4350water Blog highlights some of the issues relating to proposals for potable reuse in Toowoomba and South East Qld. 4350water blog looks at related political issues as well.

Friday, November 17, 2006

The great SEQ recycled water farce ...

You may well wonder why Mayor Thorley was on television last night demanding the State government hold a quick referendum on adding recycled sewage to drinking water supplies. Or don't hold a referendum if the State government doesn't want to.

She seems to have forgotten that the city she supposedly represents voted on this issue on 29 July 2006 and rejected it. Remember: 62% said no.

But no, at Toowoomba ratepayers' expense no doubt, off to Brisbane she goes to join with the Ipswich and Brisbane Deputy Mayors to sip some NEWater (she must have loaded up the boot!) and try to pressure the State government to put recycled water in the dams.

See - Courier Mail - Councils unite to demand early poll.

Ipswich Deputy Mayor Tully thought that recycled water might be required as early as next year. He seems to forget you need to build a recycled sewage plant first. And of course there's the testing - unless he wants to forgo that too.

Mayor Thorley thought that you would need to educate the public. After spending close to $1 million of Toowoomba ratepayers' money on an 'education' campaign she has admitted was doomed to fail, she now wants to get on the bandwagon yet again. You lost Di, get over it.

The recycled water industry must be shaking its head at the keystone cops routine going on north of the border, so soon after the Toowoomba debacle. As if they would want Mayor Thorley within 100 miles of any other recycled water campaign. She'd want to march the kids through the streets!

Everyone seems to have overlooked the words 'long-term' in Commissioner Nosworthy's comments. Given the Beattie government's stance on trying to experiment with recycled water for drinking somewhere in Queensland, it's hardly surprising that the Queensland Water Commission is going to refer to it in their report as a possible water source.

But no, let's not wait for the final report. Let's jump in the car and get to Brisbane so we can all sip some NEWater at a press conference. (NEWater being such a stellar marketing success in the Toowoomba water debate - take the NEWater bottle and Water Futures balloon, smile, then dump the NEWater bottle in the bin and give the balloon to your child seems to have been the general response.)

Premier Beattie originally wanted to hold any recycled water referendum in 2008 to coincide with the next Council elections. Councillors would know that such timing is political suicide for any Councillor advocating a Yes vote at the time of the referendum/election.

Even Mayor Thorley would not want Toowoomba voters reminded of her recycled sewage experiment debacle at the 2008 Council elections (should she run again) by having all other voters in South East Queensland voting on a referendum on the same day.

So there's a very good reason for trying to give the State government a bit of a hurry along or convince them to scrap altogether any thoughts of a referendum on the issue.

However, if this is the start of the next campaign, it's quickly following the Mayor Thorley playbook of how to burn $1 million and screw up a recycled water campaign.

But back to the first point - when recycled sewage for drinking is dead and buried in Toowoomba and Mayor Thorley has admitted as much, why is she swanning around and sipping NEWater in Brisbane?

Surely that isn't Toowoomba City Council business ...


Blogger Water Hawk said...

She should not be in Brisbane with her Labour Party mates promoting recycled sewage water for them when we said No.
This Mayor should be censured as she has no right being there pushing the scare campaign again.

Lets debate it publicly and see who the community believe. Not once during our campain did this Mayor engage in open debate with her people.
The people must be reminded that it is big American business at the heart of all of this push to bring in RO plants and all the membrane technology.

Ask yourself Who?

8:03 AM, November 17, 2006

Blogger Water Hawk said...

I have lived in this city all my and I can remember when sewage came to town and we were excited to have the convenience of it and not have to walk down the back to the old thunder box.

With Thorley's constant reference to this subject, I would like to know what back water she lived in who did not want it?

One can only think that she must be a masochist to want to go another round with the No team by revisiting the recycling sewage water debacle by supporting Brisbane Labour Councillors yesterday.

8:42 AM, November 17, 2006

Blogger Concerned Ratepayer said...

Read more comments on the Brisbane recycled sewage debate and Mayor Thorley's involvement here - Courier Mail - feedback comments on the Thorley promotion campaign.

9:48 AM, November 17, 2006

Blogger wateruser06 said...

Have to vote Thorley out in 2008. Need to save some ratepayers' money to spend on the city! Too many trips at our expense.

10:28 AM, November 17, 2006

Blogger Greg said...

I have to wonder about those people who talk about cow dung in a paddock washing into our dams or birds doing there droppings in our dams and then think that that is a reason enough for it to be okay to recycle our effluent and put it back in our dams. Do they even know what effluent is? Then we have those who still want to believe that it is done all over the world and those that talk about cities down river from other cities using there effluent in the river for drinking and those who believe drinking recycled water will somehow stop water restrictions or from running out of water and I,m starting to have my doubts as to the lack of common knowledge and or sense of a lot of the yes voters here in the Toowoomba poll and I wonder if it will be the same in the SEQ one! But then again what would I know because my grammar apparently sucks and I occasionally make typos so I must have no logic!

4:40 AM, November 19, 2006

Blogger Concerned Ratepayer said...

As always, the Yes campaigners seem to resort to insults when commenting about the views of those who voted No. Seems the Brisbane debate is the same.

It's interesting how often apples and oranges are compared. the recycled water v. dam water argument when the dam water does not come straight to the household tap.

9:25 AM, November 19, 2006


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