The 4350water Blog highlights some of the issues relating to proposals for potable reuse in Toowoomba and South East Qld. 4350water blog looks at related political issues as well.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Brisbane - get ready to drink recycled sewage ...

Queensland Water Commission puts drinking recycled sewage on the agenda - but only if it passes a referendum.

"Unless and until there is a vote on it we are not really in a position to advocate indirect potable reuse in response to the drought or as a short-term option but it is an option for the longer term," Ms Nosworthy said.

See - Courier Mail - Crisis plan to reuse water.


Blogger Water Hawk said...

I don't think so!
The Brisbane people are no different to the Toowoomba people and with information they will reject this crazy scheme.

Why do people have to drink recycled sewage water?
There is so many uses for recycled sewage water and that would free up the drinking supply.
The Brisbane Airport is a fine example of such a process.

This is always the grand plan, get elected and sneak it in between elections, but Beattie might have too many "other problems" to take this on too!

7:49 AM, November 16, 2006

Blogger Concerned Ratepayer said...

Another Beattie masterstroke. How to get all his current Ministerial scandals off the front page. Tell the people we 'may' make you drink recycled sewage water. That'll give them something to argue about. Qld politics at its finest!

9:38 AM, November 16, 2006

Blogger wateruser06 said...

Was it a plot by the Closed Brethren???

4:43 PM, November 16, 2006

Blogger Water Hawk said...

They would have you believe that Clive Berghofer spent millions and thats why we said NO!!!

It goes to prove that the media and the AWA still do not have a clue. People power won the day.

This stunt to play up the possible use of recycled sewage water is just a ploy to take the heat off the Premier and all of his "other" woes.

5:58 PM, November 16, 2006

Blogger wateruser06 said...

Let them think it was some religious group or one person spending his money. They'll just be surprised once again when the rest of Queensland rejects drinking recycled water.

7:13 PM, November 16, 2006

Blogger Concerned Ratepayer said...

Funny how Mayor Thorley hopped on to Ch9 tonight to talk about recycled sewage. She must have this deep desire to be vindicated for her ill-fated stance in Toowoomba. Not going to happen and she will be consigned to 'feather duster' status in 2008.

Also amusing how the other Councils are saying that people are overwhelming in favour of it. They are looking at the wrong polls if, in fact, they are looking at any statistics at all. The majority of the people won't want this and will say so at any referendum.

The only way any government can try to get people to accept recycled sewage is to use the 'running out of water' scare tactics. Wasn't the Beattie plan going to deliver sufficient water for SEQ?

7:18 PM, November 16, 2006

Blogger Concerned Ratepayer said...

The Toowoomba real estate agents will not thank Michael Matusik.

The latest out-of-towner to comment on the referendum was on WIN News tonight saying the No vote has caused the Toowoomba property market to stagnate.

Of course, it has nothing to do with the oversupply of houses built over the past few years, the difficulty in renting them all and perhaps a few interest rate rises.

No, let's blame those radical No voters!

Remember, Kirstie said vote Yes and Toowoomba prices would skyrocket!

A Yes vote would have meant instant water - not.

What else can the NO voters be blamed for? Australia's involvement in Iraq!? The Federal government's IR laws??

Commiseration to anyone who paid good money to listen to Matusik speak rubbish. Money down the drain.

8:13 PM, November 16, 2006

Blogger wateruser06 said...

Even though Thorley was sharing a bottle of NEWater with the Council guys in Brisbane today (she must have loaded up her car with Toowoomba's surplus supply), if they get serious about a referendum on drinking the stuff, expect them to jettison her. They wouldn't want either her or Flanagan anywhere near their campaigns after their wonderful job of sinking it in Toowoomba.

8:39 PM, November 16, 2006

Blogger Greg said...

I knew a guy once - married with two little children he was. He used to gamble and drink an instead of giving these things away he thought he would save money by feeding his kids dog food. I see a similarity here! Peter Beattie and all you other sewerage sipping zombies you should all be totally ashamed of yourselves. This is not the sort of legacy we should be lumbering on our children, there are other ways to solve our water problems. Stop being idiots and do what you are elected to do and fix the bloody mess you have got us into without having to resort to filth. Thorley should know better and back off becuase if this goes to another referendum she will have another foul smell lingering behind her as her legacy when it is defeated! Don't be fooled or afraid people of SE QLD and remember one thing, we pay these bloody idiots to run or affairs know lets let them know what we think of there filthy ideas, it is our present and our childrens futures at stake.

1:04 AM, November 17, 2006


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