The 4350water Blog highlights some of the issues relating to proposals for potable reuse in Toowoomba and South East Qld. 4350water blog looks at related political issues as well.

Saturday, May 13, 2006

Jondaryan shire - we will use recycled sewage for non-drinking purposes ...

From ABC News:

12 May 2006

Council considers special pipes for recycled water

New houses in the Jondaryan Shire, in southern Queensland, will be required to fit special pipes to carry recycled water under a plan being considered by the local council.

Mayor Peter Taylor says the "purple pipe" system will allow residents to use treated sewage on their gardens and toilets.

He says even though the proposal has yet to be included in the town planning scheme, one developer has agreed to install the system in a new subdivision in Westbrook.

"So we'll have a dual pipeline system and new subdivisions from here on and that certainly will make a significant step forward to saving water and reusing water across Jondaryan shire," he said.

See - Jondaryan Shire moves forward with dual piping.

This puts Jondaryan shire at odds with Toowoomba City Council which has no current plans for dual piping new subdivisions (the Council's NWC application refers to a dual pipe subdivision at Highfields in Crows Nest shire). Mayor Thorley proposes that Toowoomba residents should drink recycled sewage while bore water is used to water the city's parks and gardens ...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Throley has no common sence and I only hope she if forced to step down, or take a more realistic look at what the rest of the country is saying about drinking recycled sewage.

This is no longer a political issue, this is our lives and the soul of this town she is playing ball with. She need to wake up and smell the flowers instead of the shit.

1:02 AM, May 13, 2006

Blogger Water Hawk said...

One wonders why the Mayor and some of this council are at odds with just about every other government in Australia.
What's the pay off as there has to be more to this than just believing in the product.
People have to be reminded that this crazy scheme will not bring back the water to your hoses only the rain or other water will.
The dams have to be at 40% before the restrictions will be lifted.
This is not about bringing water to the people it's about a community being the Lab Rats for a big American Company to sell their wares.!

7:25 AM, May 13, 2006


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