The 4350water Blog highlights some of the issues relating to proposals for potable reuse in Toowoomba and South East Qld. 4350water blog looks at related political issues as well.

Monday, October 31, 2005

Mention recycled water and water tank sales increase

Interesting comments:

"A local water tank manufacturer says Toowoomba's proposed water recycling project has led to an increase in sales.

Rob Allison from Australian Water Systems says people are concerned about the council's [recycled effluent] plans.

The Toowoomba council's plan includes a new recycling plant to purify waste water.

"Water conservation, primarily the thought of drinking recycled water is not palatable," he said."

See - Water tank sales increase.

Shows that people think tank water is preferable to taking a chance on the Mayor's proposal. The Mayor wouldn't own shares in a water tank company would she? Probably wishes she does ...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have just read through some of the stuff in your site and I am unsure of your motives If you could clear this up I would be most pleased...

4:20 PM, October 31, 2005

Blogger Concerned Ratepayer said...


To bring to the public's attention the serious state of affairs in the Toowoomba City Council relating to its recycled sewage proposal.


1. There is a need for a consistent national approach to water recycling.

2. Water recycling projects should only proceed once all stakeholders are satisfied that all health issues have been dealt with.

3. The Toowoomba City Council and Mayor Thorley are trying to rush through a proposal to introduce recycled sewage for drinking in Toowoomba.

4. The Council is relying on the advice of consultants who are either related to one of the contractors or otherwise stand to gain financially from an increase in water recycling in Australia.

5. The Toowoomba City Council proposal has been prepared behind closed doors without any open debate among Councillors or the public. The Council is not even providing sufficient information to surrounding shires which buy water from Toowoomba.

6. A significant proportion of Toowoomba's residents are against the proposal. The Mayor denies this.

7. There are three recent reports prepared for the Federal government which state that further research is required on the health effects of recycled water.

8. There are an increasing number of State and Federal politicians against the use of recycled water for drinking.

9. The Qld Premier has stated that he does not support the use of recycled water for drinking in South-east Queensland.

10. If Toowoomba were to proceed with this proposal, it would be the only community in the region to do so - all the surrounding communities are looking at other alternatives.

4:50 PM, October 31, 2005

Blogger Concerned Ratepayer said...

Oh, and with a bit of humor tossed in.

4:55 PM, October 31, 2005

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Toowoomba would be the first community in Australia to go ahead with such a proposal.

3:59 PM, November 01, 2005

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do you know what I think...
The current Dams are so full of crap anyway...It doesn't matter if we add in a purer form of our own shit...We'd end up drinking better quality water in the end any way...because all the bugs people are worried about are in the water at the moment anyway...

At the moment it is a Viable alternative...I'd rather drink that then over killing bores or other things...

5:45 PM, November 01, 2005


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