The 4350water Blog highlights some of the issues relating to proposals for potable reuse in Toowoomba and South East Qld. 4350water blog looks at related political issues as well.

Thursday, October 27, 2005

The first recycled sewage for drinking experiment in Australia ...

The Qld Government is somewhat inconsistent on the recycled water issue.

First, the Premier Peter Beattie says on TV that he does not want Queenslanders to drink recycled sewage.

Then his Natural Resources Minister Henry Palaszczuk very quickly assesses that the alternatives to recycled sewage are not viable.

The Mayor obviously thinks this is good news - she's quoted as saying "the technology to be used in Toowoomba is tried and true".

If so, is she willing to guarantee it?

She also says "They’ve had planned indirect potable reuse in Orange County, California and Fairfax County, Virginia, for 20-odd years with no adverse health effects."

Incorrect. Only (not so democratic) Singapore is using the same technology proposed for Toowoomba. The project in California which will use this technology is only partially constructed.

Fairfax County, Virginia treats waste in a different manner and then pumps it into the river where it is redrawn into treatment facilities.

The Mayor fails to mention that CH2M Hill are employed by Fairfax County.

See - Fairfax County.

Also - CH2M Hill website.

The Mayor does say that "Toowoomba’s residents will not be guinea pigs of a water experiment".

This will be the first recycled sewage for drinking experiment in Australia. It's hard to see how Toowoomba is not the guinea pig capital of Australia.

But, why the rush to dismiss other ideas and adopt the US company's technology?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

But the Mayor said about Toowoomba:

"the southern Queensland residents could be the first in the State to drink recycled sewer water."

7:34 PM, October 27, 2005

Blogger Zantor said...

Sure, there are several options for water recycling out there, but we do not have much time to choose. I beleive that they only have enough water until Christmas. We have to do something NOW!

Stop discussing and actually do something. Otherwise you won't be drinking recycled water. No, you won't be drinking anything at all...

8:09 PM, October 28, 2005

Blogger Concerned Ratepayer said...

The line "they only have enough water until Christmas" is part of the fear campaign run by the Toowoomba City Council.

The dam levels are rising following the recent rains. It has been shown that the Council's reporting of dam levels in the Chronicle has not been accurate.

The Council is sinking further bores which will tap more water.

The "no water by Christmas" argument just doesn't hold water!

Raises the same old question - why the mad rush to adopt this technology? Could it be because the Council doesn't want the residents to read too widely or they won't accept it?

Does the Council want Toowooomba residents to read the draft guidelines for recycled water released by the EPHC on 28 October?

1:06 PM, October 29, 2005

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Or is the Christmas line something being peddled by your science teacher at school?

1:09 PM, October 29, 2005

Blogger Zantor said...

There is nothing wrong with recycled water. It is pure.
We need a long term solution. No matter when the water will replenish, we need to prevent this from happening again.

And I seriously doubt the Toowoomba City Council would use a 'fear campaign'.

And yes, my science teacher at school knows a lot more about water chemistry than a couple of random citizens...

2:20 PM, October 30, 2005

Blogger Concerned Ratepayer said...

Yes but does he know about the three reports prepared for the Federal Government since June 2005, all of which say that further research is required?

This is the same Council that said it didn't need to survey residents and the same Mayor who lied in a recent Council meeting by saying that she was not aware of any dissent in the community (after she had received a petition with over 7,000 signatures).

This is the same Council which has been putting misleading information about dam levels and rainfall in the Chronicle each week.

Do you still think that the Council wouldn't use a fear campaign?

3:41 PM, October 30, 2005

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Interesting that Cooby dam is now at a higher level than the other dams and it is the dam to receive crap water!

I also wonder about the opinion of a certain science teacher, if my memory serves me correct a certain Toowoomba school received a large grant from council to build a hall. We have seen too often the tactics of this council.

1:05 PM, October 31, 2005

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I expect that if you dug a little, you would find some connection with either the Council or the contractor.

Interesting how the Council and those who argue its case never mention the Federal government reports.

Can you include the links?

1:47 PM, October 31, 2005


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