The 4350water Blog highlights some of the issues relating to proposals for potable reuse in Toowoomba and South East Qld. 4350water blog looks at related political issues as well.

Friday, October 28, 2005

CH2M Hill terminated on Melbourne Fl. project

On 13 September 2005, the City of Melbourne Florida resolved to terminate CH2M Hill in relation to the "engineering services during construction and post-construction phases of the Phase II surface water treatment plant project."

"CH2M Hill designed the project and staff bid the Phase II work as designed. We have been negotiating with the firm since July 2005 for services related to the construction project. The City does not believe that it can come to a satisfactory conclusion as to the amount of the contract and the work covered by that contract."

The Council resolved to terminate the "negotiations for construction phase related services with CH2M Hill and authorize the City Manager to direct the selection of a new consultant who is most qualified to provide these services and to negotiate a fee proposal with that consultant."

The City Manager was quoted as saying "it is time to find a different engineering firm to supervise the ultimate choice for the construction contract. We’ve had that component of the project under negotiations for about three months and staff is no longer satisfied that it is in the City’s best interest to proceed on this project with CH2M Hill. We have differences of professional opinion and we don’t believe we are able to negotiate what is required to proceed."

At the same meeting, Council approved the payment of an additional $75,000 to CH2M Hill relating to "additional design work on the surface water treatment plant Phase II project". "Mr. Contreras said that he has a lot of heartburn with this item especially since the City was 'tagged' with additional costs for having discussions with the firm on operational problems."

One unhappy Council ...

See - Melbourne Florida Council.


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