The 4350water Blog highlights some of the issues relating to proposals for potable reuse in Toowoomba and South East Qld. 4350water blog looks at related political issues as well.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Anna Bligh threatens to use recycled water if Traveston Dam not built ...

Brisbane could run out of drinking water unless the federal government backs the nation's greenest new dam, Queensland Premier Anna Bligh warned yesterday.

"Ultimately the lives of more than two million people and their ability to drink is at stake here," she said.

"The next time a drought hits southeast Queensland, and it will, I want to make sure people have got the water they need to drink and to conduct their lives."

Ms Bligh said the state government would have to build two new desalination plants or resort to recycled water for drinking if federal Environment Minister Peter Garrett blocked the proposed $1.5 billion Traveston Dam on environmental grounds.

See - The Australian - Brisbane must have dam, Anna Bligh warns.

Also see - Courier Mail - Dam alternatives too costly.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's incredible! Now they say that they have NO other option other than build a new dam.
They have had a change in policy because if they had had this mind set years ago the dams would have been built and none of us in the E/E Qld. would be struggling for our water supply.
It was Labor who stopped the building of dams in the right locations way back then and now it's Labor who want to build a dam where it Oort not go!

Shame on you Anna Bligh!!

Go after the gas water and top up all the water supplies and solve 2 problems at the same time.
It's NEW water after all.

2:48 PM, September 14, 2009


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