Anna Bligh's Cabinet reshuffle - Stephen Robertson and QWC's Elizabeth Nosworthy - a match made in heaven ...
The 4350water Blog highlights some of the issues relating to proposals for potable reuse in Toowoomba and South East Qld. 4350water blog looks at related political issues as well.
Well it will have to be a very wide door. The whole mystery is how the people of Queensland can be told that the water commissioner is not present when she is skulking behind some pillar some distance from the television cameras. And when discovered by the media wobbles through the door leading to its office refusing to comment. In the Westminster system how does a public servant yet called upon to comment, and when, it is given which is misleading how long is that person last?
11:30 PM, April 21, 2009
No pillar large enough to hide behind! No self promoting will undo those shameful performances at Commander Comminications, Babcock & Brown, Ventracor Ltd... How about returning the Order of Australia?
12:10 PM, June 10, 2009
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