The 4350water Blog highlights some of the issues relating to proposals for potable reuse in Toowoomba and South East Qld. 4350water blog looks at related political issues as well.

Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Why Victoria won't opt for toilet-to-tap recycled water ...

... State Water Minister Tim Holding outlined why the Victorian Government had rejected recycled water, tanks and dams as options to boost the state's water supply.

... Mr Holding said recycled water would be extremely unpopular, tanks wouldn't capture enough water and piping water from Tasmania would be too expensive and unreliable.

He said adding recycled water to Melbourne's reservoirs would be met with howls of protest.

Mr Holding said "Toilet to Tap" protesters would fiercely battle the Government over the proposal.

See - Weekly Times Now - Holding talks down tanks.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

to the poster of this thread: You stupid dim whit, and stupid tim holding.

if the recycled water issue stopped being kicked around like a football, and the true facts let out, then you idiots would realise that we already drink recycled poo.

Where do you think the poo that comes out of the pollies in Canberra goes????? and who drinks it down stream????

2:37 PM, February 04, 2009

Blogger Concerned Ratepayer said...

Not in Toowoomba we don't.

And before you say "Dalby drinks Toowoomba's sewage", Dalby will eventually use csg water for its town water supply and use recycled water for its parks and gardens.

Dalby will be a showcase town for water use.

The use of recycled water for potable reuse continues to be the "quick and dirty fix" to water infrastructure needs.

From day one, the 4350water blog has been about presenting both sides of the story with a particular focus on the side of the recycled water debate which Toowoomba City Council, the Toowoomba Regional Council and the Qld government would never tell you.

And it's "dim wit" to be correct.

10:45 PM, February 04, 2009

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'll bet you $1,000 that Dalby never ends up with coal seam gas water...

5:39 AM, February 05, 2009

Blogger Concerned Ratepayer said...

We'll see ...

9:56 AM, February 05, 2009

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'll go further... I bet $1,000 that no small town out west, or Toowoomba, or anywhere in Qld will recive coal seam gas water as part of their drinking supply...

6:22 PM, February 05, 2009

Blogger Concerned Ratepayer said...

We'll see ...

6:37 PM, February 05, 2009

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't know or care much if Dalby ever drinks the gas water. What I objected to was the Toowoomba Council telling us that it's easy to get all the poo and pharmaceuticals out of the poo water and that we should drink it but the gas water would kill you. For some reason the RO process could clean the poo water but not the gas water. When they started spreading this around they lost me on the recycled poo project.

6:43 PM, February 05, 2009

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Am I wrong in believing that Miles already drinks coal seam gas water - can I collect the $1000?

10:43 AM, February 07, 2009

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well done Mr Holding and the Victorian government - do not peoples lives at risk for a few who want to experiment

10:44 AM, February 07, 2009

Anonymous Anonymous said...

1000 bucks still safe

Why not up it to a mill and get rid of any GFC woes original Anonymous

9:04 PM, February 07, 2009


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