The 4350water Blog highlights some of the issues relating to proposals for potable reuse in Toowoomba and South East Qld. 4350water blog looks at related political issues as well.

Thursday, December 04, 2008

QWC head Elizabeth Nosworthy in the news - for all the wrong reasons ...

A company chaired by Queensland Water Commission head Elizabeth Nosworthy has business ties to several firms with contracts for the $9 billion southeast Queensland water grid.

However, Ms Nosworthy said she had no involvement in the selection of the contractors.

She has denied the potential for a conflict of interest arising from the disclosure in The Australian this week that a company she chairs, the beleaguered investment managers Babcock & Brown, has had commercial relationships with the French infrastructure giant Veolia.

See - Queensland water commissioner tied to deals for $9bn grid.

Could Elizabeth Nosworthy be headed for a hat-trick?

The seemingly cursed company director has already presided over the collapse of technology provider Commander Communications. And Babcock & Brown, the broken investment house she chairs, is at the mercy of its bankers. Now, the once lauded heart device maker Ventracor, where she serves as a non-executive director, is running scarily close to running out of cash.

See - Elizabeth Nosworthy close to a third crash.

There are also questions over the future of the Babcock board, particularly chairman Elizabeth Nosworthy, who held the deputy's position as the company slid into debt.

See - Deal gives B&B $150m and two months.


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