The 4350water Blog highlights some of the issues relating to proposals for potable reuse in Toowoomba and South East Qld. 4350water blog looks at related political issues as well.

Tuesday, December 02, 2008

SEQ - Gold Coast Mayor wants his water added to recycled water threshold ...

The Gold Coast Mayor is calling for the Queensland Water Commission to recognise the Gold Coast's input into the south-east water grid.

Ron Clarke says the Hinze Dam is now part of the grid and its contribution should further delay the 40 per cent trigger to add recycled water to the Wivenhoe system.

Councillor Clarke says the Gold Coast's total contribution could negate any need for recycled water.

"If you add ours to the 45 per cent that is in the other three dams then that would push it up to over 50 per cent, the dam's full so the reckoning point even further, but if you also add the 125 megalitres a day from the desalination plant then that would extend it so much that I don't think we would ever reach that point again," he said.

See ABC News - Clarke seeks water grid recognition.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

On Ya Ron ... couldn't agree more ... if your looking for a true reflection of the combined % of water in storage for SEQ - Why not to add ALL available water storages in SEQ into the mix - Why limit the total to just 3 dams when there are other water storages available ????

12:46 PM, December 02, 2008

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think we have to face it - this State Labor government with all the pipes available will run Wivanhoe below 40% - it wants this recycled water to operate for its financial backers - so they can say look its done in a 1st world country like Australia - they will not talk about the total opposition to it

9:54 PM, December 02, 2008

Anonymous Anonymous said...

The one thing they forgot -

They need to be re-ELECTED -

and it's not looking likely

8:19 AM, December 03, 2008


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