Courier Mail - Bligh aims for election on 21 February 2009 ...
Excerpt from Courier Mail:
Bligh goes to water: Traveston on backburner, back to drawing board on recycled water
25 November 2008
Premier Anna Bligh has just announced that construction of the $1.7 billion Traveston Dam will be delayed by several years due to concerns by Co-ordinator General Colin Jensen about local wildlife.
She has also backed away from her professed determination to introduced purified recycled water into south-east Queensland’s drinking supply, saying she will now seek urgent advice from the Queensland Water Commission about the planned February timetable is still appropriate.
Jensen told her the impact of the dam on flora and fauna would have to be minimised if the dam was to go ahead. Queensland Water Infrastructure, the company which will build the dam, say this condition will delay construction by several years. Bligh and Deputy Premier Paul Lucas say the Government remains committed to Traveston Cross Dam and will do everything in our power to see it built.
What chance an election on February 21?
See - Anna desperate to be elected Premier in her own right.
Labor will be re-elected. Recycled water will go into Wivenhoe and Labor will privatise the lot.
1:03 PM, November 25, 2008
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