The 4350water Blog highlights some of the issues relating to proposals for potable reuse in Toowoomba and South East Qld. 4350water blog looks at related political issues as well.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Toowoomba Regional Council admits Toowoomba has bore water supplies ...

Excerpt from ABC News:

Emergency bores to ease dam demand

30 September 2008

Toowoomba Regional Council is drilling emergency bores to take the pressure off the city's rapidly diminishing dams.

The combined level of the three dams that supply the Darling Downs city have fallen below 10 per cent, which is a new record low.

Deputy Mayor Paul Antonio says the bores will be capable of meeting half the city's water needs.

"We've drilled two, there's another three to be drilled in the not too distant future, the two that have been drilled are being tested," he said

"They're fine, the water's fine, everything's okay, and they'll begin to supply water into the system into Cooby Dam in the not too distant future."

See - Toowoomba does have bore water supplies.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Remember, the water was going to run out by Xmas 2005!

3:45 PM, September 30, 2008

Anonymous Anonymous said...

WIN News (annotated):

Emergency Bores

30 September 2008

Toowoomba's [dam] water supply has dropped to a new record low.

The combined level of the three dams that supply the Garden City has fallen below ten percent.

Toowoomba Regional Council is relying on emergency bores to take the pressure off the city's rapidly diminishing dams.

The bores will be capable of meeting half the city's water needs.

The bores are expected to come on line in a matter of weeks.

7:06 PM, September 30, 2008


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