The 4350water Blog highlights some of the issues relating to proposals for potable reuse in Toowoomba and South East Qld. 4350water blog looks at related political issues as well.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008


Anonymous Anonymous said...

LNP Release:

Beattie’s spin on water skills a farce

21 August 2008

Beattie’s spin on water skills a farce

Peter Beattie’s invitation to Californian water bosses to head to Australia to check out Queensland’s water grid was more farcical spin from the spin master, the State Opposition said today.

LNP water spokesman Ray Hopper said Peter Beattie’s spin in Los Angeles had reached new levels with the former Premier now spruiking that Queensland could hold the key to California surviving its serous drought.

"If US managers want an abject lesson in how not to do things, then sure listen to Beattie," Mr Hopper said.

"What they won’t hear is how Peter Beattie and his lazy Ministers ignored all the expert warnings here about the need for more water infrastructure and did nothing.

"They did nothing for a decade and when it was all too late told us the only solution was for south-east Queenslanders to drink recycled sewage and build hugely expensive pipelines in a mad rush.

"US water utility managers should also be told how Peter Beattie, again against all the expert advice, made his snap decision after a helicopter ride to build the flawed Traveston Crossing Dam.

"For Peter Beattie to lecture Californian water managers about expertise in water management is an insult to their intelligence.

"The Beattie-Bligh government will long be remembered as the government that failed to do a thing about securing water and left south-east Queenslanders the legacy of drinking recycled sewage," Mr Hopper said.

9:57 AM, August 26, 2008

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ask the QWC what percentage recycled water they want people to drink. They won't tell you.

10:08 AM, August 26, 2008

Anonymous Anonymous said...

They don't know either as Gerald Tooth said on EXTRA on the 25/08/08 that it will all depend on the level of the dam.

I think that they would realy like us to have it direct potable and that means 100%!!

3:49 PM, August 26, 2008


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