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Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Global warming solved by baby pollution levy, offset sterilization etc ...

... babies to blame.

... China-style two child policy proposed.

... greenhouse-friendly sterilizations to earn carbon credits.

It was only a matter of time before some of the more loopy concepts were aired in the media.

Excerpt from Adelaide Advertiser:

Baby tax needed to save planet, claims expert

10 December 2007

A West Australian medical expert wants families to pay a $5000-plus "baby levy" at birth and an annual carbon tax of up to $800 a child.

Writing in today's Medical Journal of Australia, Associate Professor Barry Walters said every couple with more than two children should be taxed to pay for enough trees to offset the carbon emissions generated over each child's lifetime.

Professor Walters, clinical associate professor of obstetric medicine at the University of Western Australia and the King Edward Memorial Hospital in Perth, called for condoms and "greenhouse-friendly" services such as sterilisation procedures to earn carbon credits.

And he implied the Federal Government should ditch the $4133 baby bonus and consider population controls like those in China and India.

Professor Walters said the average annual carbon dioxide emission by an Australian individual was about 17 metric tons, including energy use.

"Every newborn baby in Australia represents a potent source of greenhouse gas emissions for an average of 80 years, not simply by breathing but by the profligate consumption of resources typical of our society," he wrote.

"Far from showering financial booty on new mothers and rewarding greenhouse-unfriendly behaviour,
a 'baby levy' in the form of a carbon tax should apply, in line with the 'polluter pays' principle."

Australian Family Association spokeswoman Angela Conway said it was ridiculous to blame babies for global warming.

See - Baby tax needed to save planet, claims expert.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why can't the people wake up this is all in the minds of the socialist who seem to be in power all over the world. The experts can not even agree and we have a Premier who is going to buy a car from America.
Just wait until this rubbish starts costing jobs and then the masses will be sorry they voted in Kevin 07 and his elk.

2:42 PM, December 11, 2007

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kevin has an elk??? LOL

3:43 PM, December 11, 2007

Anonymous Anonymous said...

It drags around his sleigh...fukk of presents..

6:49 PM, December 11, 2007

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kevin 07 and all the other smart arses if you like.

9:19 PM, December 11, 2007

Anonymous Anonymous said...

fukk of presents - hahahaha

9:47 PM, December 11, 2007

Anonymous Anonymous said...

The other blog on water recycling now does not allow Anonymous comments. Regardless, this looks like another Socialist "expert" spouting ridiculous ideas. Babies are a gift from God, not a source of global warming! However, there are some mothers who perhaps should be sterilized but not ordinary loving mums who want the best for their children.

5:54 AM, December 12, 2007

Anonymous Anonymous said...

This blog will continue to allow the anonymous comment function to be used for the moment although comments may be edited from time to time. Some form of username is preferred though.

9:53 AM, December 12, 2007


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