The 4350water Blog highlights some of the issues relating to proposals for potable reuse in Toowoomba and South East Qld. 4350water blog looks at related political issues as well.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Ex-CH2M Hill Ian Law gets it wrong on Wetalla upgrade and Dalby ...

Interesting issues paper (Indirect Potable Reuse - Post Toowoomba - September 2006) which was tabled for review by the ACT's Expert Panel on Health.

Pity it's so wrong in relation to the Wetalla upgrade and Dalby.

An excerpt (annotated):

Like many in the water industry, I too was disappointed with the result in the 29 July referendum in Toowoomba.

We all saw blatant misinformation and emotive language scuttle the initiative
[it is true that blatant misinformation from the Council helped scuttle the ill-fated project; there was emotive language from both sides] but we also saw a Mayor with the courage to promote Indirect Potable Reuse (IPR) as a viable means of securing the future for Toowoomba [unfortunately the project as proposed was never viable and the outgoing Mayor has run off to Tasmania]; leadership that is not generally evident in our industry and it was very refreshing.

Yes, the vote shows that the community did not support the plan but what many forget is that the plans included a detailed five year testing and education program [the outgoing Mayor had to be dragged kicking and screaming to agree to that - also note: there is to be NO testing period for Brisbane - if Anna can actually get enough sewage to put into the system] – all of which came to nought when the then newly appointed Parliamentary Secretary to the Prime Minister with responsibility for water policy linked National Water Initiative funding to a referendum – and making this decision at that stage showed him to be totally unaware of the potentially emotive issues embodied in the Waterfutures Plan. [Better not letting the people have a say - just jam it down their throats instead. It is arguable that Minister Turnbull's visit to Toowoomba actually increased the NO vote.]

As an aside, the result of the ‘no’ vote is that secondary effluent from the Toowoomba Waste Water Treatment Plant (WWTP) will continue to discharge into Gowrie Creek [ignores the Wetalla upgrade which was well underway at the time of the referendum] and be part of the water supply for downstream Dalby, for which I am sure the good folk in Dalby are grateful.

Mr Law must have missed the NWC funding approval for Dalby's coal seam gas water project so here's the link - NWC funding - Dalby gas water project.

It's odd that he missed the Wetalla upgrade given that CH2M Hill is one of the partners on that project.

One phrase rings true though:

"... we must now have the leaders who are prepared to enter into active partnerships with the general community and ensure that all options for future sustainable water supplies are carefully canvassed and considered."

No-one would argue that the Toowoomba City Council entered into an 'active partnership' with the community on the Water Futures project.

What people in Toowoomba remember (and will remember next March) is an outgoing Mayor who refused to discuss the issue with people in Toowoomba but happily jetted off to conferences around Australia (generally at ratepayers' expense) to talk about her plans for Toowoomba.

They remember an outgoing Deputy Mayor whose version of an active partnership with the community was to threaten to drop rocks on citizens who dared to speak out against the Water Futures project.

They remember closed door Council meetings and the difficulties in wrestling the Water Futures NWC funding application off the Council.

They remember a project which would never have worked as Council proposed and could never have been built for the amount they proposed.

They remember a Council which ensured that all options for future sustainable water supplies were NOT carefully canvassed and considered.

They remember the supposed scaremongering about the Mayor moving to Tasmania to run a pub turning out to be true.

That's what they remember.

Read the paper here - Ian Law - Toowomba, Dalby and other things.

Why is that people wishing to speak on the issue of the Toowoomba referendum get such basic issues wrong ...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

After March 15th the community will have a new Mayor who will consult the people and that person will be Cr Snow Manners!!

To this day this weak lot lead by Thorley has never debated the issue at a public meeting.
If it had not been for Mrs Rosemary Morley and her CADS group it would have been railroaded in and Thorley would have been off around the world to convince the rest that it is safe but instead she is off to Tasmania and off to obscurity!!

The rest will follow after March 15th 2008.

Liars never win!
Only people who have the courage to stand up to the bureaucrats and George Street will be elected to the new regional council.
We are feed up with the back room boys pulling the strings and pushing their agenda which is not in the best interest of the people as they pander to the big business with hidden agendas.

We have had to suffer a Council of incompetents and we now need to sweep them out.

7:15 AM, October 31, 2007

Anonymous Anonymous said...

whoever is mayor next year, it certainly won't be any of the current ladies or ramia - they all have to go.

11:08 AM, October 31, 2007


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