The 4350water Blog highlights some of the issues relating to proposals for potable reuse in Toowoomba and South East Qld. 4350water blog looks at related political issues as well.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

PM Howard gives $408 million to Beattie with strings attached ...

He was always going to have to pony up the funds, particularly after KRudd promised to provide it if he managed to get into the Lodge later in the year.

Excerpt from PM interview:


24 April 2007

Joint Doorstop Interview

The Hon John Howard MP with The Hon Malcolm Turnbull MP
Eagle Street Pier, Brisbane

Subject: Western Corridor Water Recycling Project; Toowoomba Bypass; Iraq; workplace reform


The payment is made on the express understanding confirmed to me in writing by Mr Beattie on the 29th of January when he lodged his full application for the amount of $408 million that there will be no further requests made of the Commonwealth by the Queensland Government in relation to this project.

As I indicated on radio this morning, we have been in lengthy discussion with the Queensland Government, that is particularly Mr Turnbull, seeking further information and what we've decided is that we will announce our commitment to the project but require the full publication of financial details and information relating to the project by the Queensland Government within the next 30 days as a condition of the grants by the Commonwealth.

The other condition that we attach to the payment is that the interests of farmers in the Lockyer Valley who were responsible for I guess the original initiation of this project, that they're interests and needs should be properly accommodated


Well we think the best way to hurry them up is to make the commitment in principle and require them within 30 days to publish the financials.

If they don't provide that information, well they'll be the people who are torpedoing our provision of the extra money.

I mean we are interested in helping the people of south east Queensland and the best way to help them is to say right, we'll give the money to this project on condition that the Queensland Government make all the financial details available, in a transparent fashion, and make them available publicly.

And I'm asking Mr Beattie to do that and if he doesn't do so within 30 days, well he puts at risk a receipt of $408 million. I'm sure the financial details will be made available within the 30 days.


The Lockyer Valley farmers aren't figured into Beattie's recycled water equation at present.

Back to the books, Premier ...


Blogger Concerned Ratepayer said...

Excerpt from ABC News:

Lockyer irrigators urge state to join water funding agreement

25 April 2007

Lockyer Valley irrigators said they are heartened by conditions the Federal Government has placed on funding for a recycled water pipeline.

The Prime Minister has announced $408 million towards the pipeline, as long as the Queensland Government provides further financial details within 30 days.

Lockyer Water Users Forum chairman Linton Brimblecombe says John Howard wants reasonably priced water to be available for agriculture.

"That's in the Prime Minister's statement so we've taken great heart from that statement," he said.

"What it will mean is that we now have the backing of the Federal Government for our project.

"What we are waiting for is a water supply agreement with the State Government."

9:05 PM, April 25, 2007


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