The 4350water Blog highlights some of the issues relating to proposals for potable reuse in Toowoomba and South East Qld. 4350water blog looks at related political issues as well.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

PM Howard's views on recycled water ...

Just so it's clear next election exactly how PM Howard stands on drinking recycled water:

Doorstop Interview, Lowood Show Hall, Lowood
17 April 2007

JOURNALIST: Excuse me Prime Minister what's your position on recycling water....

PRIME MINISTER: My position on recycled water is, I favour it, I've favoured it for a long time and I'm happy to drink it, if anybody's got some for me I'll drink it.

JOURNALIST:..... getting to the farmers of the Brisbane Valley...

PRIME MINISTER: Well look, I am in favour of recycling across the board and I really believe that there's been some sort of old fashioned resistance to recycling water that owes, you know, has no basis in reason.

JOURNALIST: Do you think water's been mismanaged in Queensland?

PRIME MINISTER: Oh I think every state government in Australia has mismanaged city water and mismanaged water in provincial areas as well. I mean what has happened is that water agencies, instead of investing in infrastructure, have handed over their revenue to state governments and I think that's wrong. It's happened in Queensland, it's happened New South Wales and it's happened in Victoria.

JOURNALIST: If the farmers do not get this recycled water, how will it impact on food prices?

PRIME MINISTER: Recycled water and food prices? Well if you don't have water, food prices will go through the roof because the food will get very short.


Blogger waterwoe said...

If this money comes through the community should ask where is the long term study on the health of a community using recycled sewage as their drinking supply.

We only have the report by Dr Stuart Kahn done for the government and it has so many disclaimers attached that it leaves you wondering if he believes it himself.

I know people have asked and asked for such a report from the QWC and it has not delivered any paperwork to date.

One would have to wonder why?

They repeatedly refer to this study in advertising so it should be at hand.

2:21 PM, April 25, 2007


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