The 4350water Blog highlights some of the issues relating to proposals for potable reuse in Toowoomba and South East Qld. 4350water blog looks at related political issues as well.

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Is Canberra serious about the issue of water ...

Example: Chinchilla

- a town which is in need of water solutions
- a solution - coal seam gas water is proposed.
- a Federal government funding application is submitted.
- the proposal will effectively drought-proof the town
- the funding application is knocked back on the grounds that Dalby is already doing a coal seam gas water project.

While one of the NWC's roles is to fund innovative projects, it seems absurd to say that one town can have funding and another cannot because they propose a similar scheme.

If coal seam gas water is a solution to water issues in SW Qld, surely it makes sense for the NWC to fund the projects.

They can then say 'problem solved' for the region.

There are not many parts of Australia where a 'problem solved' tick could be given to the region so easily.

Excerpt from ABC News:

Chinchilla water plan to go ahead without federal funds

12 April 2007

The Chinchilla Shire Council says it will not abandon plans to use treated coal seam gas water even though an application for Federal Government funds has been rejected.

The council says the Australian Water Initiative has knocked back its application because a similar treatment plant is being built in Dalby.

Mayor Bill McCutcheon says they will be negotiating with the Queensland Government and water and mining companies to find a solution to their funding shortfall.

"Our council came down 100 per cent behind the project at our last council meeting and to progress it as fast and as rapidly as we can," he said.

"We've got to sort of revamp the whole project now insofar as this Australian Water Initiative funding falling through so it's got to be revamped, rescheduled and then we'll be working out what is required."

The council says it has enough water in the town's weir to continue to supply residents until August or September.

See - Chinchilla pushes ahead with coal seam gas water.


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