SEQ recycled water fight begins ...

1. Discussion of opposing views on drinking recycled water
2. Voting on the issue of drinking recycled water.
Excerpt from the Courier Mail:
Recycled water fight begins
20 March 2007
Cr Manners said the booklet, entitled 'Think Before You Agree To Drink' was being delivered on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday to southeast Queensland letter boxes.
He said he expected about 1.2 million residents in 400,000 homes would read it.
Cr Manners said it was a myth that London and Singapore were using recycled water in their domestic drinking supplies.
He said pro-recycled water lobby had been telling 'lies' and exaggerating the widespread acceptance of recycled water in supplies.
Cr Manners was elected in a by-election last year to Toowoomba City Council after running a similar campaign there against recycling water for domestic supply.
See - Courier Mail - recycled water fight begins.
Also read the book - Courier Mail - Think before you agree to drink.
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