The 4350water Blog highlights some of the issues relating to proposals for potable reuse in Toowoomba and South East Qld. 4350water blog looks at related political issues as well.

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Premier Beattie plays the 'will he or won't he' political game ...

You have to admire the political skills of 'Teflon Pete'.

How do you keep your opponents in Toowoomba off balance and take yet more focus away from your own political troubles?

Leave Toowoomba hanging.

Don't let them know for a month or so whether you'll include them in the recycled sewage referendum for SEQ next year.

That will keep them off balance.

See - Toowoomba may be forced to repeat water vote.

'Teflon Pete' will have to do some tap dancing around the format of the referendum if he wants to include Toowoomba.

He'll also be faced with an angry Toowoomba population forced to the polls to answer substantially the same question yet again.

See if you can spot the difference:

A. Do you agree with putting 'purified recycled water' into Cooby Dam?

B. Do you agree with putting 'purified recycled water' into Wivenhoe Dam (and then pumping it to one of Toowoomba's dams)?

Same result - recycled sewage water flowing through your household taps and into the shops and restaurants of Toowoomba.

You can fool some of the people some of the time - but Toowoomba's voters have been around the block a couple of times over the past 15 months or so. We have Mayor Thorley to thank for that experience.

But it's all about politics. "Teflon Pete' knows how the recycled sewage debate divided Toowoomba and must hope to have the same effect throughout SEQ. With so much division and accompanying media coverage, the criminal trial(s) of his ex-Minister(s) and Dr Death will hardly rate a mention. Politics at its finest.

It will be interesting to play in the same weight division for a change. As entertaining as Round 1 was against Mayor Thorley, there was always the feeling of fighting down a weight class, such was the comedy of errors from Mayor Thorley and her Yes campaign team.

'Teflon Pete' is a much more worthy adversary - the wily veteran politician.

If he chooses to include Toowoomba in his referendum, it should be a good game. Same result - or actually a higher No vote is predicted - but it will be a good game ...


Blogger wateruser06 said...

When Beattie loses this vote, will he want to make it best out of 5?

9:08 PM, November 22, 2006

Blogger Water Hawk said...

Niceperson, you make the same mistake as the politicians and media as they assume that the only person to stand up to these people is Mr Berghofer.
The truth is that CADS was the group to stand up in the first place and they still are in there fighting for ordinary people's right to have their say!!!
Mr Clive Berghofer is a truly great man and so are many , many other people who stand with him in this fight.

We will win because: why would people choose to drink recycled sewage water when there are other options.

10:33 PM, November 22, 2006

Blogger Concerned Ratepayer said...

One of Mayor Thorley's great problems is she never really understood who her opposition were. Nor will Premier Beattie.

11:04 PM, November 22, 2006


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