The 4350water Blog highlights some of the issues relating to proposals for potable reuse in Toowoomba and South East Qld. 4350water blog looks at related political issues as well.

Monday, June 12, 2006

Mayor Thorley's own "watergate" ...

The issue that refuses to go away.

The missing Department of Natural Resources, Mines & Water hydrology report - the one that forms the basis of the Water Futures project and the Toowoomba City Council's NWC application.

From the Chronicle:

Mrs Morley said that in the video which was presented it had stated the proposal was based on a Department of Natural Resources report.

"I asked for that report to be made public," she said.

"But they do not have the report."

Source - Chronicle - missing DNRM&W report.

The problem is - the Council don't have the report and haven't seen it - the DNRM&W don't have it. And yet it was used as the basis for asking the Federal government for funding.

If Mayor Thorley and the Toowoomba City Council are to have any remaining credibility with the people of Toowoomba, they should produce the report.

That is, if it exists at all.

But if it doesn't exist, that would mean the fundamental basis for the Water Futures project is a lie and the Federal government funding application was false and misleading.

No wonder the Toowoomba City Council tries to ignore this issue. A non-existent report would mean some tough questions being asked down in Canberra ...


Blogger Water Hawk said...

one would think that Macfarlane would be asking these questions.
This matter is no longer about recycled water but it is about who is trying to pull the wool over the eyes of the people of Toowoomba.
We have all of these other options and we have the six pack hell bent on one course of having us use reclaimed sewage water for our personel use.
The master plan is to use Toowoomba and surrounding area as the Lab Rats for the rest of Australia.
If the Yes case gets up in Toowoomba, Beattie dose not have to ask Brisbane if they would want to go down that road he will simpely put sewage water into Wyenhoe dam!

7:24 AM, June 13, 2006


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